i need some technical help with a mod
im unable to get athena to fire weapons i give it and i have tried countless weapons:
i would like to stick with unit tweaks as the rest of the mod is a unit tweak
here is an example weapon.. it works for other units but when i place it on athena it does not.
striderhub = {
metalcost = 1,
customParams = {
neededlink = 0,
athena = {
metalcost = 1,
canManualFire = true,
weapons = {
def = [[MINE]],
weaponDefs = {
MINE = {
name = [[Light Mine Artillery]],
accuracy = 4000,
areaOfEffect = 200,
avoidFriendly = false,
collideFriendly = false,
nofriendlyfire = 1,
craterBoost = 0,
craterMult = 0,
burst = 8,
sprayangle = 4000,
burstrate = 0.1,
customParams = {
damage_vs_shield = [[190]],
damage_vs_feature = [[190]],
force_ignore_ground = [[1]],
spawns_name = "wolverine_mine",
spawns_expire = 400,
spawn_blocked_by_shield = 1,
light_radius = 0,
damage = {
default = 20,
planes = 20,
explosionGenerator = [[custom:dirt]],
impulseBoost = 0,
impulseFactor = 0.4,
interceptedByShieldType = 1,
model = [[clawshell.s3o]],
myGravity = 0.34,
noSelfDamage = true,
range = 400,
reloadtime = 40,
soundHit = [[weapon/cannon/badger_hit]],
soundStart = [[weapon/cannon/badger_fire]],
soundHitVolume = 8,
soundStartVolume = 12,
turret = true,
weaponType = [[Cannon]],
weaponVelocity = 500,
commandfire = true,