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is a great feature but imo currently a little underused - all factories should be able to morph units, if technically possible even planes and gunships. some ideas i had about possible morphes: (+ for add, - for remove morph option)

+ scythe->sniper->ultimatum
+ hammer->wolverine/pillager
+ rocko->slasher

- thug->jack
+ thug->felon or outlaw->felon
+ thug->aspis or outlaw->aspis (or aegis? the mobile one)
*make racketeer->firewalker work by letting units gain xp for emp damage done*

- slasher->copperhead
+ slasher->crasher
+ slasher->banisher
+ slasher->scalpel
+ crasher->copperhead
+ leveler->reaper
+ ravager->panther
+ wolverine-> pillager

+ goliath->bantha?
+ tremor->catapult
+ panther->reaper
+ panther->banisher

+ duck->scallop->grizzly->dante/bantha
+ archer->buoy->grizzly->dante/bantha
+ duck/scallop->snake?

+ scalpel->banisher

+ moderator->buoy (needs fix for slow dmg xp gain)
+ firewalker->catapult

+ typhoon->destroyer->warlord
+ hunter->snake
+ hunter->enforcer
- enforcer->warlord
+ enforcer->reef
+ typhoon->hunter
+ serpent->leviathan

+ recluse->? scorpion maybe, or crabe
+ crabe-> scorpion
+ venom->zeus
+ spy->sniper

+ gnat->banshee
+ banshee->rapier->brawler
+ bd->krow

+ phoenix->shadow->licho
+ phoenix->stiletto
+ avenger->vamp
+ avenger->spy plane

+0 / -0

11 years ago
strongly agree
+0 / -0
For gunships:
+ banshee->brawler
+ rapier->BD

Rapier to BD makes more sense than Rapier to Brawler (because they both shoot rockets)

Also morph shouldn't skip any cost-levels, so units around 2k M should morph to units around 4k M, not to Bantha directly.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Remove morph, it's an old remnant, too random, turns the game into a silly grindfest and adds nothing to strategy. ZK is already too much of an RPG thanks to silly hero-commanders.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
i love making flea and ending whit detri
+0 / -0
morph adds tons to strategy and why grindfest? you kill stuff and can morph if you take care of your units. i dont see why this would encourage grind, its not like you would actually grind somewhere to be able to morph, you just do it if you can. and why random? there is no randomness at all involved.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
i dont think morph is so great feature, feels more like gimmick.
does not really fit with rest of game, is not consistent: all constructions (even missiles in silo or terraform) can be assisted with cons, but morph not.
Using it as "deploy" (say shield thing) is ok though.
+0 / -0
well it uses its own buildpower (which is usualy a lot) pretty much - which is one of the main benefits of morph since you have to pay the normal price for the unit anyway. if you needed to morph using regular bp morph would be too weak. you could make it assistable, but maybe it would be too strong then, dunno.

imo it fits into the game really well because of the tactical options it offers plus it rewards you for taking care of your units, plus it allows you to get counters or units more suited to a changing battles without having to switch factory - like upgrading your tanks to reaper to deal with heavier defenses or enemy tanks, upgrading your aa to get more range, upgrading your sumo to a dante for even more pwn. i think thats really awesome, and vastly superior to other games' unit upgrade mechanics.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I think it makes little sense to have bots morphing to vehicles and vice versa. The only aethetically sensible morph is the few things like glaive to warrior; it's a bigger but very similar model with a bigger but very similar weapon.

it rewards you for taking care of your unit

The reward for taking care of your unit is not having a dead unit. You really don't need more incentive than that.

it allows you to get counters or units more suited to a changing battles without having to switch factory - like upgrading your tanks to reaper to deal with heavier defenses or enemy tanks, upgrading your aa to get more range, upgrading your sumo to a dante for even more pwn

Having things be more easily accessible doesn't add to strategy, it reduces strategy. It puts more focus on being fast and unit control than on having a larger plan.

vastly superior to other games' unit upgrade mechanics

Definitely not.

It wasn't really designed out at all, it's a gimmick, and is mostly something to add to feature lists. And it works as a feel-good mechanic, but in no way is it a good gameplay mechanic.
+0 / -0
Storage on metal spot -> T2 Mex with metal storage
Lotus on metal spot -> T2 Mex with lotus defense
Pylon on geo spot -> Geo with increased overdrive grid range

Some unobstrusive T2 things can't be bad ;)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
ofc it makes sense to morph bots into vehicles, just like it makes sense to morph them into spiders - for once they are better suited for their terrain, and then if you look at the 2 units that would gain morph, its hammers and rockos. hammers are fine, but if you need real artillery you may opt to turn one of your vet hammers into pillager. rockos you could turn into slashers, makes sense imo but anyway all of those are debatable.

dont see how morphing is not strategical, its a lot better than to have to make a new factory for every other single unit you may need in a certain situation.
for example if youre with veh up against tanks or shields, you might wanna switch to tanks, but you also might wanna morph some ravagers, provided you can, and get reapers and finally goliaths without having to abandon your factory. its not always the right thing to do, you might wanna keep the old unit for some reason or another - like sumo vs. dante, sumo has more hp and can jump, dante has big guns but dies faster. you got a descision to make, thus strategy.

its not super strategical to lock player into one path without the option to change it here and there. which doesnt mean that you can morph everything into everything, it just means that certain things can turn into certain other things which may or may not be helpful. thats good. its not a must tho, if you dont like it, dont do it.

+0 / -0
11 years ago
Wow, I like first post. Strongly agree! :D
+0 / -0

11 years ago
i agree, morph is cool and your suggestions are well done. but one i would change is insteda of
+ leveler->reaper
+ ravager->panther

leveler->banisher and
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Completely agree with mojjj. Makes no sense to have a riot morph into assault and assault into riot. Was the only thing that struck me odd in your suggestion.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
another reason why morphing actually adds strategic depth rather than reducing it is that it requires you to retreat and repair to work at all. if you spam the enemy with units, destroy his buildpower and dont care if they all die, you cant morph any of those units, but its just as much a valid strategy that may win the game.
+0 / -0
leveler->banisher and

its already in the game. so my suggestion was that you can morph levelers into banishers or reapers, and ravagers into reapers or panthers.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
ofc it makes sense to morph bots into vehicles, just like it makes sense to morph them into spiders - for once they are better suited for their terrain, and then if you look at the 2 units that would gain morph, its hammers and rockos. hammers are fine, but if you need real artillery you may opt to turn one of your vet hammers into pillager. rockos you could turn into slashers, makes sense imo but anyway all of those are debatable.

It is convenient, but that doesn't really mean it makes sense. Someone had suggested that annihilators produce energy instead of require it. That would also be convenient for the people who made annihilators, but not make any sense.

its a lot better than to have to make a new factory for every other single unit you may need in a certain situation

Exactly. That does not expand strategy, but reduce it, because there is less need for planning technology investments. Although to be fair, this is a somewhat rare/niche situation. Most of the time you will be making the factory anyway.

it requires you to retreat and repair to work at all

This is almost entirely execution, not strategy. Strategy refers to the plan, not how you carry out the plan.

Now, to an extent you need to plan to have build power and position your units appropriately to take advantage of it. That is strategy. But without morph it is already helpful to retreat and repair your units as much as possible. The only change that morph makes is that you my try to repair particular units because you want to level them.

Again, this is about execution then, not strategy.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
+1. There are not enough morphs currently. I always forget to use morph in a real game because most factories have very few.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Exactly. That does not expand strategy, but reduce it, because there is less need for planning technology investments. Although to be fair, this is a somewhat rare/niche situation. Most of the time you will be making the factory anyway.

i repeat, you cannot morph everything into everything. possible morphs may very well be part of your overall strategy, and in fact i already consider the option to morph to tanks when i decide whether to pick vehicles for a game. its not universal tho, i cannot morph my vehicles into ships just because it would be convenient to do so.
+0 / -0
+1 to having more morphs, I am a very big fan of making it so you could morph ravager to a reaper or panther. In general I think most of the current morphs are good, but most of the new ones sound good. The biggest thing is that a unit morph allows them to keep the same role or a similar one, kinda like how the glaive can morph into a scythe or a warrior. I could also get behind the scythe to sniper conversion as that would be awesome, but it would sorta mix roles a little bit which could reduce strategy as luckywaldo said.
+0 / -0
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