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Increasing FPS

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11 years ago
Does anyone know how to increase the fps rate? I've been playing ZK with minimum graphical settings, and still I can't get more than 25 FPS on 12x4 maps. On larger maps, I don't get more than 9 FPS.

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11 years ago
What are your hardware specifications? CPU model and speed, Graphics card model, maybe amount of RAM (if less than 2GB or so).
+0 / -0
11 years ago
If you turn off widgets (f11 screen) like Chili Minimap, Chili Resource Bars, Chilli Chat, or Chat Bubbles, they will save a lot of CPU, although make the game kook a little worse (except ChatBubbles, which is just bad) . CPU is the problem for ZK, not GPU, because it is usually singlethreaded and has intensive pathing compared to other games.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
you can do nothing, except buy new pc. I tried to do something on my old laptop, nothing works and it was just like yours, down to 4 fps when many players and long game. Now i bought new wooden pc, realy cheap amd sempron 145(overclocked it to 3.3ghz) and cheap motherboard with build in graphics. Now i have not lower then 15 fps in worst scenario, most time it is 25-50 fps, and if game is small like 2*2 its over 100fps.
+0 / -0
If using a desktop you might be able to drop in a faster CPU. Whether this is a good option depends on your motherboard (socket) and processor family etc.

I personally went from an E2160 (at 2.4G) to an E8400 (at 3.3G) (cost: about £40) and it has made a world of difference; much more than you might think from looking at benchmarks. I don't know if this is because Zero-K/Spring has a high baseline CPU usage (from LUA UI/graphics pipeline etc) or if it benefits greatly from the much bigger cache?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Another thing is, play small games instead of the big ones. Not only are they enjoyable, but they require far less cpu because of less pathing and los calculations.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I play on an Acer laptop with Intel i5 460M 2.53 GHz, 4 GB Ram, and Intel HD Graphics, which I believe is 128mb.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Well, that's faster than my computer. I think you are just playing too big games, most people lag out in them.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
In fact, I'm playing alone against the AI for now, and only 1 AI. That's why I'm so baffled by the low FPS rate.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Maybe dynamic sounds, nano particles and ground details influences FPS a bit because they need the CPU to command the GPU where to draw these?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I'm playing on minimum graphical settings.
+0 / -0
Press F11
find category "-Map-"
disable "Map Edge Extension" because it is ON by default and ate alot of FPS (since ever),
turn on "External VR Grid" because it is a faster alternative.

If you try game like Balance Annihilation which use less widget you will see incredible FPS. You can use such game as comparison of how fast your PC can run Spring..

There are Engine setting in Settings->Adv Setting->Springsetting (GUI) that allow you to set advance stuff like running Fullscreen, Screen Resolution and ect. In 640x480 you can even run High Setting IMO. xD
+0 / -0
Intel HD Graphics, which I believe is 128mb.

I think this is the problem, can you increase it in Bios? (long time i do not use Intel IGP [Integrated Graphics Processors] so not sure how it work anymore....)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
>and Intel HD Graphics
Thats what lagging you game
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I think IntelHD can auto expand the size base on available RAM
DVMT if not mistaken.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Yeah disable whatever map extension if effectlively reduces FPS for me by ~40% or similar, have no idea why it is on by default.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Amazing. I've turned off all map settings (VR Grid, Edge Expansion...). My FPS have jumped from 23 to 69.

Where can I set all those options off by default?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
You dont need to set it again. It remember which widget is OFF/ON in a config file /LUAUI/Config/(modname)_order.lua.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Thanks! As always, everyone's been very helpful. Thanks again!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I've been playing ZK with minimum graphical settings

have no idea why it is on by default.

Even more, how it is on with MINIMUM graphical settings configuration???
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