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12 posts, 1122 views
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10 years ago
Yeah, CAI has right to be ranked and have ELO! isint it great idea. Also chickens could have elo based on difculty of course, would be very interesting :)
+0 / -0

10 years ago
The estimated Elo of CAI would be about 1422 or so.
+1 / -0
Estimated elo of suicidal chickens will be 1800 elo if you beat them without !setoptionsmetalmult=100,!setoptionsenergymult=100 But on superspeedmetal map. Playing against suicidal on normal maps with normal income will mean that suicidal is like 2200 or 2000 elo. Not even me can beat a suicidal in 1 vs 1 normal maps . We will have a totally newbie elo explosion if they know these commands and beat the suicidal one.

If you are going to implement elo on CAi and Chickens remember to do something with that metalmult and energymult.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
Can we get cai difficult levels? Easy medium hard and something.
+0 / -0
Can we get cai difficult levels? Easy medium hard and something.

Easy: 1 CAI
Medium: 3 CAI
Hard: 6 CAI
Sucidal: 6 CAI and you cannot terrafrom or build any deffence (at all)
Goode level: 12 CAI and u can build only fleas + no com morph (but u can morph other units)
+3 / -0
10 years ago
The estimated Elo of CAI would be about 1422 or so.
That's very specific. Stills seems right unless player chooses porcfest which is much more effective against CAI than players.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
and u can build only fleas
This is great idea for a new game mode :P
+1 / -0

10 years ago
Sucidal: 6 CAI and you cannot terrafrom or build any deffence (at all)

Just 3 CAI on comet catcher is gonna be hard enough for people ~2000 elo calling it super hard or even impossible
+2 / -0
10 years ago
I had the idea for an estimate-CAI-elo project long ago.

I also suggested this for new players - calculate the EXPECTED elo of new players by taking all first-time-games and using them to calculate elo for an imaginary player, then use this number to find a good elo number for level 0 players. In theory that would allow better than the current 300 or 400 elo penalties.
+3 / -0

10 years ago
nice skasi, you fixed linking to posts in topics with multiple pages!
+0 / -0
Nah, I only did it manually! Just had to add "?page=1"
+0 / -0
Why 1422?

Start with 1500 - Average player.
It doesnt know what ''Artillery'' is or how to properly use it. 100pt penalty.
Bashes its head against porc. 200pt penalty.
Reclaims. +100pt
Aggressively expands. +100pt
Sort of raids. +10pt
Reacts to enemy composition (to a degree). +12
Total: 1422

Per cai add 100-200 elo to expected difficulty. Eg: 1800 player can take about 3 cai on a normal or small map.
+0 / -0