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Auto AFK

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6/30/2018 7:34:05 AMFirepluk before revert after revert
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1 I also demand 'unsubscribe' option - to stop receive AFKers units... 1 I also demand 'unsubscribe' option - to stop receive AFKers units...
2 right now game forces me to reclaim their facs and coms too to stop them from going back/forth to afk 50 times per game ^^ 2 right now game forces me to reclaim their facs and coms to stop them from going back/forth to afk 50 times per game ^^
3 So yea, when u come back from another afk and find NO BP whatsoever - don't be mad. just resign 3 So yea, when u come back from another afk and find NO BP whatsoever - don't be mad. just resign
4 \n
5 I don't want random afkers to suck my metal for their crap for 10 sec and then come back from afk, shit is blinking, metal consumption fluctuates - very annoying