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Let's make water maps fun

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Date Editor Before After
12/18/2023 8:35:36 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
12/18/2023 8:26:03 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
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1 hunters are fast and hard to dodge allowing them to kite and skirmish most units. . they are very strong imho Godde and most sea players know this well. . the tactic is to chip away at the enemy concentrating on killing a single or weak or exposed unit. . . and to raid using the speed. if they tried to take on a siren in close they would just get obliterated. but they can kill a siren using micro 1 hunters are fast and hard to dodge allowing them to kite and skirmish most units. . they are very strong imho Godde and most sea players know this well. . the tactic is to chip away at the enemy concentrating on killing a single or weak or exposed unit. . . and to raid using the speed. if they tried to take on a siren in close they would just get obliterated. but they can kill a siren using micro. . they are sort of like ducks in a way
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