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Hacksaw - When is it useful?

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6/25/2024 11:15:39 AMPLranktivoris before revert after revert
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1 they can with proper macro - but on big enough map u can place hacksaw before they want to use boost or at the end efect of boost - ngl i didn't test it - so maybe good air player can eazly counter that - it just look promising in that match 1 they can with proper macro - but on big enough map u can place hacksaw before they want to use boost or at the end efect of boost - ngl i didn't test it - so maybe good air player can eazly counter that - it just look promising in that match
2 \n 2 \n
4 https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1940740
5 ok i tested it also - and it does seem to be working (?). With 2 walls of hacksaws (5 each total of 2200 metal) it manage to stop 5 swifts all the time (10 swifts seem to be too much, also when 5 of them are cluster they also get through). But it seems for it costs it is good scout prevention (?)