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David vs Goliath: Rovers vs Tanks

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7/30/2024 6:22:31 PMUSrankCliver5 before revert after revert
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1 I understand now why I couldn't beat them tanks. 1 I understand now why I couldn't beat them tanks.
2 I was strong against tanks when it was small army vs big army. 2 I was strong against tanks when it was small army vs big army.
3 But whenever I thought, "man, I don't have enough soldiers, I should expand my land," I fell into the "goliath" loophole. 3 But whenever I thought, "man, I don't have enough soldiers, I should expand my land," I fell into the "goliath" loophole.
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5 So the only way I could beat this challenge is if instead of making more bases that make me bigger and removing my "small" status, if possible, more bases should have been made, controlled by small parties, all coordinated to defend against goliath. Each one of the "small" parties would have a 100 times power multiplier against the goliath, and goliath would ultimately lose. 5 So the only way I could beat this challenge is if instead of making more bases that make me bigger and removing my "small" status, if possible, more bases should have been made, controlled by small parties, all coordinated to defend against goliath. Each one of the "small" parties would have a 100 times power multiplier against the goliath, and goliath would ultimately lose.
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7 Furthermore, although the raw power of the goliath would be stronger in a practical game, the upkeep would make the "goliath's" army too unsustainable, with the upkeep being soldier morale, exponentially increasing resource cost. 7 Furthermore, although the raw power of the goliath would be stronger in a practical game, the upkeep would make the "goliath's" army too unsustainable, with the upkeep being soldier morale, exponentially increasing resource cost.
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9 So long as these measurements aren't implemented, it's way harder to see how David would win. (It's probably why Goliath from the original tale thought that he's going to win: The alternatives weren't implemented yet) And Zero-K doesn't have these important details implemented; therefore, it is impossible to showcase a true David vs Goliath fight in Zero-K, and I give up. 9 So long as these measurements aren't implemented, it's way harder to see how David would win. (It's probably why Goliath from the original tale thought that he's going to win: The alternatives weren't implemented yet) And Zero-K doesn't have these important details implemented; therefore, it is impossible to showcase a true David vs Goliath fight in Zero-K, and I give up.
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11 Edit: Now that I think about it, a lot of cheeses and rushes sound like "david" fights. I don't think they count, since they don't let the "goliath" grow to full size; and even if the "goliath" would grow to full size, then it would be logical for "david" to be able to "borrow" some of the tech, meaning... perhaps it's closer to "hard" rather than impossible. But it's still nearly impossible due to the artificial requirements.