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clan icon image/background image changing

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
2/8/2025 1:03:30 PMunknownrankPLT_LowTaperFade before revert after revert
2/8/2025 12:31:37 PMunknownrankPLT_LowTaperFade before revert after revert
2/8/2025 12:05:30 PMunknownrankPLT_LowTaperFade before revert after revert
Before After
1 Trying to change it yet nothing works, I have the picture in the PNG format and its 64x64 exactly like asked and it doesn't work in both changing the normal image and the background. 1 [s]Trying to change it yet nothing works, I have the picture in the PNG format and its 64x64 exactly like asked and it doesn't work in both changing the normal image and the background.
2 I have also tried a million different pictures like different formats and sizes yet nothing works too. 2 I have also tried a million different pictures like different formats and sizes yet nothing works too.
3 And I don't get an error after clicking the submit button, it just acts like nothing happend. 3 And I don't get an error after clicking the submit button, it just acts like nothing happend.
4 Anyone know how to possibly fix this??? Or has anybody encountered the same issue and fixed it? 4 Anyone know how to possibly fix this??? Or has anybody encountered the same issue and fixed it?[/s]
5 Fixed after a long time...