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sonar radar for undersea detection

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2/23/2025 11:38:02 PMAUrankAdminAquanim before revert after revert
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1 Sonar that worked like radar used to exist. The extent of sonar was difficult to communicate to players. A conscious design choice was made to get rid of it, so that underwater units would have more distinct properties compared to surface units. 1 Sonar that worked like radar used to exist. The extent of that sonar was difficult to communicate to players. A conscious design choice was made to get rid of it, so that underwater units would have more distinct properties compared to surface units.
2 \n 2 \n
3 The 3-D nature of underwater combat makes it very difficult to design weapons that are not guaranteed hit which would be good for gameplay. I do not want to be doing surface/submerge micro on Buoys to dodge unguided torpedoes, for instance. 3 The 3-D nature of underwater combat makes it very difficult to design weapons that are not guaranteed hit which would be good for gameplay. I do not want to be doing surface/submerge micro on Buoys to dodge unguided torpedoes, for instance.