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Zero-K tower defense mod

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Date Editor Before After
3/25/2025 1:33:44 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
Before After
1 no problem.. i didnt even finish making the fellons flatten the map when trapped =P 1 no problem.. i didnt even finish making the fellons flatten the map when trapped =P
2 \n 2 \n
3 ill make the singu do more damage 3 ill make the singu do more damage = done
4 \n
5 ill add free terra = done
6 \n
7 and global los = done
4 \n 8 \n
5 ill add free terra 9 and terra near enemies = done
6 \n 10 \n
7 and global los 11 and fellon flatten map. . wip
8 \n 12 \n
9 eta: soon 13 eta: soon