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That Religion Thread continued. Abandon hope all ye who enter here.

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
11/21/2013 7:49:49 PMROrankForever before revert after revert
Before After
1 "sake of his brainwashed mind." 1 "sake of his brainwashed mind."
2 \n 2 \n
3 See this is what i mentioned regarding the code of conduct. . . 3 See this is what i mentioned regarding the code of conduct. . . no respect at all at least that i am a zero k player. He doesnt like this thread and still writes here. @[V]sheep was fairplay, he didnt liked my thread and i understood him, and he started a new thread where he can read something for his choice. Is it that haard for you @Anarchid to leave this thread, i asked already a couple of times, and i wanted to kick you if i had the chance, cause i dont find it fair for the starter of the thread not beying able to kick the spammers.