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That Religion Thread continued. Abandon hope all ye who enter here.

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11/22/2013 1:25:01 AMROrankForever before revert after revert
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1 You dont understand sortale, things never changed, regarding the ORthodox religion.Some special people uncovered these facts and made dogmas on theyir foundations. 1 You dont understand sortale, things never changed, regarding the ORthodox religion.Some special people uncovered these facts and made dogmas on theyir foundations.
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3 For example watch the moses movie and see that before he went to that mountain to recive from God those 10 Commandments people felt bad when they did certain things regarding the sins mentioned in the 10 commandments.So humans were concious in a way of those laws, cause the 10 laws were written in 3 For example watch the moses movie and see that before he went to that mountain to recive from God those 10 Commandments people felt bad when they did certain things regarding the sins mentioned in the 10 commandments.So humans were concious in a way of those laws, cause the 10 laws were written in
4 theyr soul.So then God gave the 10 commandments writen on ston tablets and gave them to Moses. 4 theyr soul.So then God gave the 10 commandments writen on ston tablets and gave them to Moses.
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6 So here you see how people with theyir own well in small steps uncover God that has infinite wisdom.This is how it was done in the middleages, and with the foundation of Christianity with the sacrifice God made for us. 6 So here you see how people with theyir own well in small steps uncover God that has infinite wisdom.This is how it was done in the middleages, and with the foundation of Christianity with the sacrifice God made for us.
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8 Again the Sacrifice God made for us is another part where he uncovers himself to us because we wanted that. 8 Again the Sacrifice God made for us is another part where he uncovers himself to us because we wanted that.
9 So uncovering those dogmas @Sortale that you see in the history of orthodoxy is just the will of man that wants to learn more from God's wisdom and nothing else.They are not man made dogmas, they are influenced by God in 100% but untied with the will of humans.Most of the dogmas were made and installed in the moments of the 7ecumenical synods that took place.And there were Saints present there that made miracoles just to explain more the about the Creator. 9 So uncovering those dogmas @Sortale that you see in the history of orthodoxy is just the will of man that wants to learn more from God's wisdom and nothing else.They are not man made dogmas, they are influenced by God in 100% but untied with the will of humans.Most of the dogmas were made and installed in the moments of the 7ecumenical synods that took place.And there were Saints present there that made miracoles just to explain more the about the Creator.
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11 So we have a kind of perception like science has, the one where people discover more in case they study and develop certain things and uncover new theories how the world was build from the fizical point of view.(and how it works of course)
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13 With the will of man and the Creator we find out more about the Creator.
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15 I am making this last message as a warning for @Anarchid in case he will post here agian.He doesnt care about whats written here and he just trolls the thread.He doesnt want to leave so il report him soon as i find him write another post here.Thx for the understading.