long Bow
Engi For All
Last battles
25264 played, 14553 watched, 89 missionsB2057290 1 on Downpour 1.1
B2057244 1 on Cobalt Dream v1.1
B2057232 1 on Altair_Crossing_V4
B2057223 1 on Altair_Crossing_V4
B2057138 1 on Cobalt Dream v1.1
B2057137 1 on Cobalt Dream v1.1
B2057121 1 on Hide and Seek 2.2.3
B2056898 1 on Entrenched_Plains_V2
B2056812 1 on Rapids_v1
B2056810 1 on IncultaV2
Posted threads
134 posts in 36 threadsNerfing bulkhead
Purple Rank
Feature request : an option to keep formation when line moving
Can I take control at a certain moment in a game replay and engage in a completely new battle with the AI?
B2013650 1 on Comet Catcher Redux v3.1 (Bots)
B2007737 2 on Barren 2 (Multiplayer)
name got too real
Survival of the fittest (Bot-Challenges) [V1]
B1991342 1 on Deadlock-v1 (Bots)
i think im done
Poll votes
- What sized teamgames do you enjoy most? : 2v2-4v4
- Would you like to replace Small Supreme Battlefield with Tangerine in the featured map pool? : https://i.imgur.com/YqK0SYQ.png
- Do you think your would rather use Left Mouse Button or Middle Mouse Button to move the camera with the minimap? : I don't know.
- Do you currently use the minimap to select units? (Left click on a minimap icon or left click and drag a box) : No
- Do you currently use the minimap to issue orders? (Achieved by right clicking the minimap). : No
First Login: 13 years ago, Last Login: 15 days agoForum karma: +242 / -3
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