PENALTY: Persistent trolling, up to using an admin's photo as forum/Discord avatar without permission
Site blockedForum blocked
Lobby blocked
Issued on: 6/17/2018 3:24:11 AM (6 years ago)
Expires on: 6/18/2118 3:24:11 AM
Level 23
Level 24
Immigrant detention
The dogs bollocks
Last battles
231 played, 71 watched, 0 missionsB562943 6 on TitanDuel 2.2
B562928 5 on TitanDuel 2.2
B562906 14 on Downs_of_Destruction_Fix
B562891 20 on IncultaV2
B562866 22 on Grts_DesertValley_012
B562833 24 on LLTAComplexV2
B562820 25 on Small Supreme Battlefield Dry
B562665 13 on AlienDesert
B562644 15 on Mini_SuperSpeedMetal_Wide
B562638 12 on Mini_SuperSpeedMetal_Wide
Posted threads
22 posts in 2 threadsWhy is zero k only 32 bit?
New members wanted
LordOfTrolls teamkilling, and a message to the Devs
B545459 4 on Intersection v4.1 (Multiplayer)
Public Apology
I dont understand this ban.
User created maps
Bug-K: lags due to players abusing pre-game queue
The nurturing of the community.
Unjustified BAN
First Login: 6 years ago, Last Login: 5 years agoForum karma: +35 / -4
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