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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.8.12.0
Engine version: 104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f
Battle ID: 1009792
Started: 4 years ago
Duration: 48 minutes
Players: 18
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1 Lost
Chance of victory: 43.3%
XP gained: 58
CArankTarkin died in 47 minutes
GBrankminishadowstorm died in 48 minutes
DErankChirbolg died in 48 minutes
USrankchristmasrhino died in 48 minutes
GBrankTechAUmNu died in 48 minutes
DErankxintnix died in 48 minutes
CArankMasamuneX died in 48 minutes
USranksouthern98 died in 48 minutes
FRrankmax39jura died in 48 minutes
Team 2 Won!
Chance of victory: 56.7%
XP gained: 67
ILrankyuvyuv died in 35 minutes
GBrankczesio died in 8 minutes

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Got so fed up with team unable to reclaim I made my own tank fac and reclaimed 14k in 5 minutes from top.
+1 / -0
> 2/3rds of team at bronze rank or below.
> "Team doesn't reclaim"

Serious note: This advice needs work on presenting itself in a non-hostile manner. Opening with an all caps "LEARN TO RECLAIM OMFG" is an awful way to impart advise because it instantly leads to people being on the defensive. This is a good faith assumption you're trying to improve people. If this post was made to complain about people not performing up to unreasonable expectations, I do not think this serves our bests interests to have this be our face of the community.

The battle field is a messy place, not everyone has the attention to go reclaiming constantly. It is easy to fall into tunnel vision.
+1 / -0
Reclaim is such an intrinsically fundamental part of playing the game that it really needs more emphasis on how much metal is just sitting there.

Most games I am playing ground at least 50% of my income is coming from reclaim, usually because I am the only one reclaiming.

I see many ground battles where a battle is won, a pile of reclaim is sitting there from both sides, but they pull back their forces and let the losing team take all the reclaim.

Overextending is very dangerous as you will almost always end up feeding the enemy team. (Unless they don't reclaim the wrecks)

My new pet peeve is turret creep with cloaked impalers and snipers mixed in. For which there is no sensible counter apart from long range arty.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Thank you for changing your post. :)
+0 / -0