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Dynasty of Man
Planets: 15
Commanders: 50
Combat skill:1514

Victory points:
0 / 100
Planets: 31
Commanders: 41
Combat skill:1497

Victory points:
0 / 100
Planets: 23
Commanders: 59
Combat skill:1506

Victory points:
0 / 100

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Page of 22 (640 records)
Name Shortcut Commanders Level Rank
Imperial Fists Fists174111551 Join now!
totale Krieg ttd15 Join now! password
!NK!DOOM NK3231456 Join now! password
? Lron Warhammer battle TOP13361213 Join now!
???! USSR15181584 Join now!
??nďîcâ†? ??nďîc3191646 Join now! password
[ h y r u l e ] hyrule1251618 Join now! password
[comshare]Hive HiE11872350 Join now!
[FREE] FREE3191657 Join now! password
[Ru] Steel Claws SC27171501 Join now!
[TNF] TNF20191510 Join now!
[YuoRMotR] UrMom1221419 Join now! password
^FeH^ FeH1372979 Join now! password
|Germany| Ger8231670 Join now! password
100%CleanN CleanN8231447 Join now! password
104th Battalion 104th13 Join now! password
1121st "Helvetian" Platoon 1121161585 Join now! password
1121st Helvetian Platoon 1121st22 Join now!
197th Cyberkorps 197CK6141575 Join now! password
1st Terran Rangers 1TR30201667 Join now! password
1uP 1uP6501634 Join now! password
21st Logistic and Supply Division 21LOG1171563 Join now!
3H30 3h30591530 Join now! password
3Server.de Hosting 3Serv47 Join now!
42th Aviation Battlegroup 42Th3232008 Join now!
501st Imperial Marine Corps 501IMC9251529 Join now!
666th Devil Dogs 666DD781520 Join now! password
a dream come true adream3901643 Join now!
A.L.F. Animal Liberation Front Animal11101845 Join now!
Actions per minute! APM3381775 Join now!
Page of 22 (640 records)