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Dynasty of Man
Planets: 15
Commanders: 50
Combat skill:1514
"Elan vital"

Controlled by noble houses of genetically enhanced superhumans, tracing history back to old Earth.

As the New Empire dropped its mighty boot on the last pockets of machine resistance in the Fourteenth Planetwars, so did its mask drop, revealing behind it the dynasty of ages past. Operatives in key positions diverted resources from the war effort to rebuild the laboratories, resuming in full the development of a better human race.

Confident in their newfound power, the nobles emerged from hiding determined to continue the path to human superiority, having no mercy for those standing in their way, machine or otherwise.


Metal: 2008
Dropships: 197
Bombers: 10
Warp cores:0
Energy produced:+950
Energy demand:-1950
Metal from planets:+15
Infrastructure: 7875

Faction roles

Grand Duke EErankAdminAnarchid
Margrave PLrankOrfelius
Lord Treasurer 
Chancellor CHrankAdminDeinFreund
Knight FIrankLobHunter, FIrankFFC, USrankFealthas, CHrankAdminDeinFreund, PLrankOrfelius, AUrankSnuggleBass, AUrankAveragePlan, NLrankFlorisXIV
Baron USrankFealthas, CHrankAdminDeinFreund, PLrankOrfelius, AUrankSnuggleBass
Sergeant AUrank4hundred, DErankChrissi007, USrankBjones31, USrankSpookums, USrankThan, USrankOctober, USrankSakroger, GBrankScurge, USrankRoidCrazyCrippleAssassin, AUrankCptMonday


Time Event
4 days ago AUrankJohnnyAwesomeSauce joins Dynasty
6 days ago ARrankBenicio2112 joins Dynasty
8 days ago TRrankJerseyizm leaves faction Dynasty
8 days ago TRrankJerseyizm joins Dynasty
8 days ago RUrankPedro_molod leaves faction Dynasty
20 days ago USranktenchase joins Dynasty
24 days ago USrankNate100 leaves faction Dynasty
24 days ago USrankNate100 joins Dynasty
25 days ago SKrankTpalpar joins Dynasty
27 days ago GBrankkokdstoyer leaves faction Dynasty
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Mendel 17
Radius 1