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Title: FFA: Newbies welcome!
Host: CZrankNeon1
Game version: Zero-K v1.0.9.10
Engine version: 91.0
Battle ID: 111499
Started: 12 years ago
Duration: 55 minutes
Players: 4
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1 Lost
Chance of victory: 27.9%
XP gained: 126
DErankXivender died in 56 minutes
Team 2 Lost
Chance of victory: 18.5%
XP gained: 126
RUrankbanana_Ai died in 4 minutes
Team 3 Won!
Chance of victory: 48.9%
XP gained: 119
Team 4 Lost
Chance of victory: 4.7%
XP gained: 126
TRrankTrojaner_ died in 3 minutes

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12 years ago
New way for scuttle transport:D
+0 / -0
12 years ago
did it really work?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
perfectly SPRING

I had xivender that made me lose a bit more time buidling the luncher..but in 35-40 minutes it is ready and it is in use
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I do not like this card. I used something like that once liked.
Most of the opponents to build so that you can not break it anymore. He has enough anti-air and ground units geug.
The starlight is also limited to use, and if you have a mind detergent, then the Tac Bombers of either fried or by starlight.
With simple ground units you come because of Dommsday or Annihilator also no longer the enemy. Once I lost a match on this card, as were five nuclear missiles abgefuert on me. The remaining Losses are always came about that I was constantly having beschosen transporters by Gravitigun and there were bombs in the vans crawling.
The Crow by Abgeschosene Gravitigun was particularly bad.
But in the end it always ends with bullet Gravitigun. It makes no fun.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
did you mean this?

Vor 20 Minuten
Ich weiß nicht, wie diese Karte. Ich habe so etwas einmal mochte.
Die meisten der Gegner zu bauen, so dass Sie nicht brechen kann es nicht mehr. Er hat genug Anti-Luft-und Bodeneinheiten geug.
Das Sternenlicht ist ebenfalls begrenzt zu verwenden, und wenn Sie haben einen Geist Waschmittel, dann die Tac Bombers entweder gebraten oder im Sternenlicht.
Mit einfachen Bodeneinheiten Sie kommen wegen der Dommsday oder Annihilator auch nicht mehr der Feind. Einmal verlor ich ein Spiel auf dieser Karte, wie es fünf Atomraketen abgefuert auf mich. Die verbleibenden Verluste werden immer kam es, dass ich ständig mit beschosen Transporter durch Gravitigun und es gab Bomben in den Lieferwagen kriechen.
The Crow von Abgeschosene Gravitigun war besonders schlimm.
Aber am Ende ist es endet immer mit Einschusslöchern Gravitigun. Es macht keinen Spaß.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Sorry, i used google translate, my english is bad. but i try it.
When i build ground units, they have no chance, the toasted by Doomsday Machine and Annihilator and Beho....
When i Build Starlight, is usefull to toast Determind, but no more. You Terraform right and the Starlight is useless.
When i Build Fighters, the have no chance to break the enemy castle, the have enogu AA Ground and AA Fighters.
But what can i do, to break the enemy castle?
One Game, i Lost. I toasted by 5 Nukes.... not enough ANtinuke, thats one way.
The other Way, build Gravitrons and Ramd and send many transporters. The enemys AA ist busy and someone transporters have a Crawling Bomb in load.
Other send with gravitron a Crow to the enemy base...
Thats ever the Final Game.
Can you read this text better and you understand what i say?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Xivender...when you make starlight kill his aa and then attack with planes.Why is it so hard?
+0 / -0
i understand :=) Was just kidding :P, google translate always gives those funny texts.

Just try your best at English and write the German word when you don't know the English one. They are often pretty similar. I think that would give a more comprehensible text than Google translate.

About this game (haven't watched it yet). It is sand-castles and an FFA so not much of a serious game. Most of the time in these type of games the player that doesn't attack and ecoes the best wins.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
it;s weird....you just have to counter and adapt Xivender.This is what sandcastles are about.When you see detriment kill his transport and burry him in the ground to make it usless.If you see starlight..terraform your singus.If enemy has tons of porc then make tons of nukes and stun his protectors.And so on.You need lots of scouting to see what players are building so you could counter them fast
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