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Title: Normal game - newbies welcome! [engine0.82.7]
Host: CZrankSpringie2
Game version: Zero-K v0.8.9.1
Engine version: 0.82.7
Battle ID: 25790
Started: 13 years ago
Duration: 66 minutes
Players: 15
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1 Won!
Chance of victory: 40.1%
XP gained: 69
GBrank[V]Restrepo died in 66 minutes
PTrankrichard321 died in 18 minutes
Team 2 Lost
Chance of victory: 59.9%
XP gained: 66
DErankXivender died in 60 minutes
IErankSkuZzi died in 61 minutes
FRrankEphinox died in 66 minutes
NLrank[NC]Gretchen died in 65 minutes
MYrankxponen died in 63 minutes
ITrank[ITAFF]demianhe died in 66 minutes
LVrankincogn1to died in 61 minutes
DErank[G]balco died in 34 minutes

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13 years ago
Long and epic battle, several outcomes on boths sides, dante ressurected like 5 times, few com assasinations etc... Four Valhalla players cooperating (by using voice) in match against 3 NCs, both mixed with randoms. Worth of watching ;)
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Yea. Much better than sitcoms or something in TV xD
Epic fight ! :) MUST SEEE
+0 / -0
13 years ago
NCs not cooperating on voice, ergo we lost :(
+0 / -0