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Title: moleculeman88's Battle
Host: MXrankmoleculeman88
Game version: Zero-K v1.6.12.0
Engine version: 104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc
Battle ID: 659127
Started: 6 years ago
Duration: 25 minutes
Players: 2
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1 Won!
Chance of victory: 98.6%
XP gained: 114
Team 2 Lost
Chance of victory: 1.4%
XP gained: 202
MXrankmoleculeman88 died in 25 minutes

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Thoughts? Anything I could have done better to handle the early rush? I know it stall mated for a while
+1 / -0
6 years ago
i told some people to get a ferrari, but i think your still new i stop producing units after 5 mins just a small epriod but haved i continue the qued list i would of put more kodachis u got lucky i wasn't serious

+0 / -0

6 years ago
https://imgur.com/a/f7pNl8Y I am not new and I was asking about what else I can do about that early rush besides you saying I got lucky
+0 / -0
6 years ago
buy yourself a good ferrari get a good one, a nice shiny one. you can outrun those ;D kodachis, afterwards call an old lady your grandma will suffice tell her those kodachis are like raccons . She will know what to do -_-. then put wall.a shiny one too like trump is building.that's good advice buddy ;D.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
what the shit is your problem?
+1 / -0
6 years ago
hey dude -_- calm down, remember it's just a game -_- no reason why to say f words or s words u got that chill.
+0 / -3
Your "early rush" mistake was spotting the enemy Kodachi going for your defenseless base with your Kodachi, shooting a fireball at it (which you should have heard even if you were looking another way), and then completely ignoring this information.

So: don't ignore intel!

Moving your commander back preemptively and focusing your eco on getting that Blitz out would have resulted in way less damage taken.

Now imagine that instead of 4 kodachis it was 4 scorchers and 4 darts, or 6 fencers. You'd have been dead if you ignored that.
+1 / -0
Main thing to do on this map is rush towards that super mex and make it yours, defending it with your life.
+1 / -0

6 years ago
thanks for the feed back guys. is there a go to counter for Kodachi rush?
+0 / -0

6 years ago
make a stinger after the first lotus
+1 / -0

6 years ago
Kodachis are the best anti-eco raiders in the game.
Your best bet is to make them pay for their attack with... a counterattack! Smash their base with your own units, kodachis aren't great at fighting other units, particularly assaults.
For defense use either micro'd raiders of your own or some porc (lotus, stardust, stinger).
+1 / -0
I will have to disagree with all tips in this thread. koda only rush on this map is not counterable unless u predict it.
Edit: so my advice is dont play this map vs molekodaman.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
But wesleymang he countered it here
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Didnt moleculeman stop producing units after 5 mins?
+1 / -0
6 years ago
These koda games are the hardest games i ever played.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
If ur not rover ur basically done
+2 / -0

6 years ago
If you really want to go defensive rather than offensive then defend with units and radar. Scorcher beats Kodachi, so does Blitz, Glavies, Venom. Fencer discourages. Lotus won't save you. All of them are slower so you need to see the enemy and react ahead of time.

Most important probably is to keep raiding yourself so you aren't behind.

It is hard. Good luck.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
yes the kodas made kawasakis factory only the best for zero-k -_-. is it true that kodachis will burn u yes. do they go republican you betcha XD. best tactics yes they found one the big turret u know what's the name again the one that fires one shot lasers and recharges. yup besst effective measure luckily i thought a way around them. but they just show u must have more determeination to beat them and adapt to the unprecedent. practice there are few who can defend themselves. really this one i wasn't giving a 125% of effort. i was lazy still.
+0 / -1
6 years ago
and yes aftwer 5 i didn't fill the que i was distracted by somethign else, and didn't full it put a lot fo them if i did and got serious, it would of been a different story.
+0 / -1
I think the biggest issue in the MXrankmoleculeman88 battles is that on this map that one mex will get you to 12-13 m/s (the wonders of overdrive on very high metal spots, though in this particular battle he screwed up and energy stalled) while the other mex spots only get you 1.59m/s each. This is actually the very rare situation where another solar plant is more cost effective than another mex!
Most people playing here don't realize quite how big the difference is and do a normal expansion rather than going for that big mex like their life depended on it.

Those other spread out mex spots are easy targets for Kodachi, while MXrankmoleculeman88 can just huddle next to the only valuable thing he has, rebuilding it as needed. This saves a ton of metal and APM as you can spend all your efforts on moving your 1/12th of a kodachi per second to maximize damage.

To see a battle where someone uses that mex properly: https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/662159

(on looking at more replays it occurs to me that MXrankmoleculeman88 actually plays his strategy pretty badly. Generally making only a single solar rather than 4 (getting energy stalled and not exploiting overdrive) and not making a Lotus to prevent people destroying his stuff by microing away from his com)
+0 / -0
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