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Ban appeal

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PENALTY: Griefing in http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/312776

Anyone (but firenub) can explain me what is considered ''griefing'' in this battle, and why is it worth exactly the same ban lenght as firenubs' offence?

Yes, I made a singu in the ''middle of the base'', but I was afraid that firenub wouldn't let me out of the hole, so what else could I do? I wanted to help with eco, even DErankjummy (or some1 else) assisted it for a while (and stopped, when noticed Firenub was sucking all the metal).

And yes, I did TK, in self defence. There is no other way (than kick) to stop allied-enemy from sucking my metal.
+0 / -2
10 years ago
You were banned for building a singu right in front or a pack of rapiers and in the middle of sfireman's units, teamkilling and self destructing your units before resigning.
+0 / -0
I just self-ded my SD, I dont know why. It just flashed me, that it'd a be good idea. Ye, I admit it wasn't, but is it worth 3 days ban?

About teh singus -
Yes, I made a singu in the ''middle of the base'', but I was afraid that firenub wouldn't let me out of the hole
+0 / -0
10 years ago
You even didn't try to ask PLrankFailer.
Also I was kind of sure caretakers did NOT block terraform.
+0 / -1
PLrankFailer: I told you that it's in your own best interest to not report people frivolously.
+1 / -1
USrank[I]burp and I told you that you need to report trolls, before they eport you. As you can see, I failed.

Also it was firenub who reported me every time I did anything ''wrong''. And so he did report me 1st, instantly after the battle, on this one.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
These bans are just silly considering the small player base and how easy it is to smurf around it.
With the very small player base i think these bans are mostly harmful. ZK devs should focus on building player base. I said this many times and been asked to give a suggestion .. i have replied many times and hopefully shit will materialize with steam launch.
+1 / -5
10 years ago
PLrankFailer u and I were sacrificed to please THE BAN GOD
Be proud!
+1 / -1
PLrankFailer u and I were sacrificed to please THE BAN GOD
Be proud!

Go fuck yourself.

These bans are just silly considering the small player base and how easy it is to smurf around it.
With the very small player base i think these bans are mostly harmful.
Don't worry, there's going to be one person to ban less. I quit for a while two months ago, I'm quitting again, this time for much longer period. (Yes, becasue I feel that my penalty is way too long). Yup, I know no1 gives a fuck. Just add me to the long list of players driven away by firenub. CU
+1 / -0
10 years ago
gg PLrankFailer, see you on the other end
+0 / -2

10 years ago
I think there are better teaching methods than bans tbh.

For example, PLrankFailer and Firepluk could only be allowed to play 2v2, and only on the same allyteam together.
+11 / -0
10 years ago
Not a bad idea lol
+0 / -0
think there are better teaching methods than bans tbh.

For example, PLrankNapoleonFailer and unknownrankNapoleonFirepluk could only be allowed to play 2v2, and only on the same allyteam together.

Didn't work. Last time we played 2v2 together he was resigning all the time and I had to win the game all by myself. That why I signed up for latest 2v2 tourney with NullAI. At least it doesn't waste metal.
+2 / -0
10 years ago
I still do wonder what the heck all this buzzing with bans going on.

From my point of view bans should serve only SEVERE violations, like:
- repeating team kills, game by game
- extreme insults, admin insults, etc...
- cheating, bug using, hacking

But yea sure, u can continue banning players that would not repeat the same most likely in observable amount of time but instead could help keeping up some amount of games xD

In my opinion most of admins here overuse their power.
There are mute/spring rights that should be affected in most of the cases.
Also would be nice to see more granular bans, like ban from big teams room.
+1 / -2

10 years ago
With the very small player base i think these bans are mostly harmful. ZK devs should focus on building player base.

What makes you think that keeping around people who treat others badly leads to a higher net playercount compared to temp banning them?

And even if this was the case, can you persuade anyone that this is worth the reduced pleasantness for everyone in the community?
+5 / -0

Maybe it did work? That is still better teamwork than teamkilling...


For first-timers, sure, it will just be a slap on the wrist and a polite request to play nicely with the other kids.

But both of you are veterans and repeat-offenders, and should really know better by now.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
maybe, a few time thing maybe not worth it, could hurt and they will disappear if they had enough. if it becomes chronic though, penalty may be in order. ;)
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Try to ban them when you got a healthy player base. Atm ZK needs every player to stay alive .. yes i actually think trolls like sfire will help keep zk alive atm.
+0 / -0
10 years ago

Maybe it did work? That is still better teamwork than teamkilling...

No teamkilling was involved in that battle. Firenub acted like an enemy reclaiming my stuff, and was treated as such.
+0 / -0
PLrankFailer acted like an enemy making singu in the middle of 2 air bases while enemy had had air superiority(singu could be easily bombed), and was treated as such - reclaimed.

You should have undigged ur ass out of that sink PLrankFailer and go make ur singu in the end of the map where there were no ally bases nearby. Problem solved!

And before complain about reclaimed factory PLrankFailer make sure u got to a game before it starts, please.
+0 / -0
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