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Level decay

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10 years ago
I think it would be good to have a player's level decay over time because, for example, my true level is probably half of my stated level since I haven't played Zero-K in about a year. I know it seems petty, but the whole point of the level is to help players determine the appropriateness of an opponent, so if it isn't an accurate representation of skill level then what is the point?

So I propose something like this: A player's level decreases by 1 for every month they are inactive.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
Levels are a measure of time played, not of skill. The measure of skill is Elo which only really starts to matter once you get into top50 so you can see it.

Visibility of elo for everyone and elo decay are valid but different topics.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Level means almost nothing here as far as I know.

Elo decay has been discussed, but no (positive) decision has been made. Vote for this, if you want your reported skill to decrease over idle time.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
ELO decay might be a nice solution for the ladders as well. As currently inactive players are just excluded after an arbitrary amount of time.
I'd imagine the ELO approaching 1500 or x ELO below it's previous score in 1/t or sqrt(t) manner.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I vote for elo increase when a player is inactive. Whenever I come back to ZK after taking a break I suddenly play much better.
+7 / -0
10 years ago
yay -9001 elo!
+0 / -0
Level also dictates your commander unlocks so losing levels might cause you to go into tech point deficit, or cause you to lose upgrades. That would be very bad.

ELO decay (or increase!) after a break is effectively dealt with by a player playing games at their new level. Their ELO might be somewhat misleading for a handful of games but it should stabilise reasonably quickly.

There's a limit to how accurate ELO can be to your current skill anyway; my best guess is that I vary from somewhere around 1600 to 1850 based on time of day, factory matchup and whether I'm on my game. Obviously ELO can't keep track of those kinds of factors when they change from game to game.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
Never heard of ELO but I'll look into it (or maybe it's been so long that I've forgotten (or maybe it's a new feature)). Thanks folks!
+0 / -0
To clarify, that's the numbers you see in the top 50 ladders. There's a wikipedia article on Elo. In short: Your elo number increases if you win and decreases if you lose. Your chance to win (ie elo difference between winner and loser) affects gain and loss numbers.
+2 / -0
10 years ago
Lol. I couldn't find any information on Elo on this site. I thought this was specific to Zero-K but apparently I should have just Googled it.

Anyways, if Level is based on time played and Elo is based on skill, then Elo seems like the more relevant measure to me. I'm surprised it isn't visible for everyone. I guess there are good reasons for this...
+0 / -0
reason were that some thought newbie bashing is caused by visible elo.
one of those threads http://zero-k.info/Forum/Post/47803#47803
+0 / -0

10 years ago
And people still rage at newbies...Nothing changed lol. Just now more rage cause half the people don't try hard because they never found out about elo...

Trolling, explosions, stupid shit..so casual but still more rage then before.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
Maybe problem is that people misunderstand what level is and what ELO(wtf is this shit?!! some sorta imaginary points?). Specially when most new players dont see theyr ELO.

Like omg he is level 99 mage and I m only LVl20 peasant he must be better 5 times.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Omg SErank[Er0]Godde has 2394 elo and I have 2119, clearly he is hardly better than me!
+0 / -0

10 years ago
more rage cause half the people don't try hard because they never found out about elo

[citation needed]
Rage at newbies only happens because people are teamed with newbies.

Hiding Elo is a bad attempt at fixing the symptom because the newb is still going to play terribly.

To instead fix the cause, people would need to be segregated to play with others of similar skill, but that cannot be done under the current 1-room system and would require smaller games.

+5 / -0

10 years ago
Maybe if the ZK client could be packaged with a virus that when triggered forcefully launches the tray from the CD drive, to incapacitate our worst players..
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Hmm I dont have CD rom for years, and I think others too.
+0 / -0