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Mumble the ultimate specraitor tool

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9 years ago
soo, I found out the IP and logged in anonymousely the other night. It was very illunminating. Ever wondered how they knew what you were planning? seems a few beers and a bit of banter on mumble and everything is fair game.
Thats cool, I dont take my elo that seriously, and tbh it was quite funny what they were saying. But be under no illusion, your carefully planned strategy...its not so well hidden...lool.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
Duh, who needs Mumble... Just take a laptop, make 2nd account, set it to spectator and make sure taht its next to your main computer's screen ^^
+1 / -1
9 years ago
Duh, who needs Mumble... Just take a laptop, make 2nd account, set it to spectator and make sure taht its next to your main computer's screen ^^

Yeah and then everyone can see the message that you are in the same location because you have the same IP address. Ofcourse you can show off your 7331 computer skillz by spoofing the IP address of the other count but that's too much trouble.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
Who needs an entire second computer and account when there's an app for that?

David I doubt that you're being spectraitored that much. It might happen from time to time but is mumble even up for most team games? Also, if they're doing it in a casual context over beers, then they're probably not gaming you too hard.

I do think it's really bad to spec cheat like that though, just that beer is conducive to poor decision making (in fact that might help your win-rate even if they have the information advantage XD). If they were doing it in a premeditated fashion I'd be calling for their blood (given sufficient evidence).

I would try to develop a style that limits what they can do with an information advantage. If they're serious you will still be fighting up hill, but you'll be much better off than if you're pulling shifty tricks like rushes etc.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
and logged in anonymousely

+3 / -0