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Could not issue commands in late game

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13 years ago
I was just playing in Battle B55121 (http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/55121). After about 20-25 minutes in game, I could suddenly not issue any commands any more and not chat to anyone. The unit icons and the units were flashing.
Has anybody an idea what was wrong?
Another thing: I was playing on my own vs. a CAI earlier today. After a while, the game crashed and when I looked onto my HOME tab, I was suddenly listed in Battle B55065 (http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/55065). But I never joined and played it. (Okay it says I won. So at least I got some +elo and xp for free).
+0 / -0

13 years ago
You were lagging out.

If you are 1 minute behind the game (lagging) your units will not receive orders for 1 minute. Same goes for chat: it will take 1 minute for what you say to appear in chat.

Flashing units also mean that you are lagging.

Either you had a network spike (network lag) or your CPU was overloaded and could not keep up with the game (CPU lag). I am at work so I can't watch the replay and tell for sure.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Also: you said "late game" for when the lag started. The later in the game you are, the more bandwidth and CPU power the game will require. Except in extreme cases, bandwidth is not an option, so it is most likely CPU lag.

What processor and video card do you have?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Thanks for the help.
I watched the replay and it said that I left the lobby and a minute later or so I timed out. This was at about 20-25 minutes into the game and the battle lasted 29 minutes. So it might be a connection problem.
My processor is a Intel Core i3 M330 2.13 GHz.
My video card is an ATI HD 5450.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Yep, sounds like a network issue.

Hope you can resolve it.
+0 / -0