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More evidence of silly admins

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9 years ago
Now they even spend primetime arguing amonst themselves. See below chat log.

[10:58 PM] Springiee [Rafal[ZK]]what takes fun from games is spectators complaining all game
[10:58 PM] Springiee [Senaven]its 1.8
[10:58 PM] * Springiee Poll: Resign team 2? [END:FAILED]
[10:58 PM] Springiee [ForgottenGeneral]nabal big lobster heart
[10:58 PM] * Springiee Game over, exiting
[10:58 PM] Klon Rafal[ZK] if you werent an admin you would be banned by now, and you know it
[10:58 PM] * Springiee BATTLE DETAILS AND REPLAY ----> http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/365340 <-----

[10:58 PM] * Springiee changing map to Torn Islands Remake
[10:58 PM] * Springiee changing map to Small Supreme Battlefield V2
[10:58 PM] Klon you would probably ban anybody yourself who does that
[10:58 PM] Rafal[ZK] CA as expected
[10:59 PM] Rafal[ZK] banned for?
[10:59 PM] Slaab clap clap Rafal[ZK]
[10:59 PM] _edrush !start
[10:59 PM] Chesti best evidence CA means nothing in bigger games
[10:59 PM] * Rainbow33 Map download progress: 81%, eta: 0:04
[10:59 PM] * Prototypestill Map download progress: 5%, eta: 6:54
[10:59 PM] Rafal[ZK] valid game play?
[10:59 PM] Klon for refusing to resign when dead
[10:59 PM] Slaab you were close to win
[10:59 PM] Senaven why resing?

I have to say though, Klon is being quite rediculous. Here he suggests that Rafal should ban himself for refusing to resign...what? since when is that bannable? Rafal in response argues that Klon resigns too soon.

I think you need to ease off the banhammer Klon and take some meds to calm down a bit.

+0 / -1
i dont know what you exspect to happen now. you have a history of posting spam and complaint threads so you will not be allowed on the forums for some time.
+5 / -0