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Skirmish freeze (i.e "Spring starting...") and no infolog.txt

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9 years ago
This is so frustrating - I would love to help with troubleshooting and bugs but this games facilities for troubleshooting have, IMHO, failed.

I'm trying to play ZK on Linux Mint 17.2 - straight off the live CD. It's all vanilla except I installed the nvidia drivers and restarted my X session to use them because with nouveau I kept getting the message "spring crashed" whenever I pressed start during skirmish (also with no supporting information).

Now when I try to start a skirmish the game just hangs with the message "Spring starting..." beside the button. I can still navigate the lobby UI but the game itself won't start and the "Game Diagnostic Log" button pops up a dialog that infolog.txt cannot be found (which it can't be in the .spring folder).

The terminal output is some useless nonsense about a steam engine/library not found.

I'm at a loss as to how I troubleshoot ZK. Where are the clues as to what's happening under the hood?
+3 / -0
Okay I just want to give a shout out to all the players, like Anarchid, who offered to help me out with a special thanks to Chesti for helping me resolve this (you're gettin' the kudos from me you deserve too for this one buddy). Even though this is embarrassing and I ended up with some egg on my face I figured I should do a writeup in case someone else ends up in the same situation:

Both the crash and the hang were due to the Zero-K Lobby (in .NET) being unable to run the spring executable. It turns out that (in order to lighten the RAM demand on this system running with no HDD) I had moved the .spring folder to a USB Thumbdrive and soft-linked it to my home directory (e.g. ~/.spring -> /media/mint/Thumbdrive/Spring). The problem occurred because the FAT file system under Linux (vfat) is not a full VFS implementation and doesn't implement eXecution unless specially mounted. So one solution would be to remount the Thumbdrive (e.g. mount -o umask=000 /dev/sdb1 /media/mint/Thumbdrive). The other solution (the one I opted for) was to create a 1.5GB loopback device with a "real" (i.e. fully VFS compliant) filesystem on it as follows:

TADA! Done...
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I understood very little of your letter-words.

Congrats on fixing the issue.
+0 / -0
there are [quote] blocks possible in that forum CArankPOLAX yeah that works...

in short:
@Polax linked .spring directory to a partition which hasn't eXecution permission. So no matter how hard u try Linux won't start any binary from that partition.
So solution is to link .spring directory to a default partition where execution of files is allowed, besides who uses VFAT? :p

Why aren't u in the lobby btw CArankPOLAX?
+0 / -0
I think I smart-mouthed my way into pissing off PLrankAdminSprung and PLrankOrfelius so I'm avoiding the lobby in hopes of not getting my ass kicked...you know until I've figured things out and then...you know... You & Me vs. Them? Fight by the bicycle racks after school? Good idea? Yeah?
+0 / -0
I think I smart-mouthed my way into pissing off PLrankNapoleonSprung and PLrankSoldierOrfelius so I'm avoiding the lobby in hopes of not getting my ass kicked...you know until I've figured things out and then...you know... You & Me vs. Them? Fight by the bicycle racks after school? Good idea? Yeah?

Yeah this is internet and you yourselves cant have a opinion!
No sir this is my territory and I will kick you out of the internet if you keep acting like that!

Jokes aside: people talk about various things and your statements are not by far of the ones most ridiculous that had already graced this forum :P
Even though we disagree that doesn't mean we hold grudge. I presume that you just don't understand/feel what Zero-K and its concepts are which is totally fine considering you have just came here (and apparently read the whole forums already).

tl;dr I do not hold a grudge (and neither does PLrankAdminSprung as far as I know him).
+0 / -0