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Is there anyway to rapidly place blueprints?

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9 years ago

I remember playing ages ago and people would rapidly place blueprints without completing the building.

I can hotkey and do it quick, but, not as quick as people used to!

Is there a shortcut key or any way to automatically control/shift drag the queue, and get the builder to just place and move on so that nano/builders who are on patrol can finish?
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9 years ago
Hold Q as a modifier key during placement.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
Cool, thanks! :)

p.s. is there a maximum? I did this for a grid of nanos, went back and it looks like my builder is trying to manually build one/stops quickly placing after ~10-15?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
There shouldn't be a limit but maybe your finger slipped. It's hard to hold 4 modifier keys at the same time :D
+1 / -0
9 years ago
There is a limit of buildings u can place iwht one command. I think its about 100. Noticeable when u try to place huge windgen farm.

ALso if u tell a couple of builders to place few frames, only one of them will actaully place frames, while the rest will keep completeing buildings in teh same order as frames were placed.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Thanks guys!

Yeah, I think it was overlap - it was the ones I overlapped that tried to build!
+0 / -0

It's hard to hold 4 modifier keys at the same time :D

Whoever is suffering from these issues hasn't been using a proper editor[Spoiler] for some time.

GBrankwilhil2 Nanoframes have been nerfed though and won't be of much use beside speedmetalling and windfarming. They don't block bullets anymore.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I like the Q modifier. When I need to build a farm, it's quite handy to get things started by one unit only to let the rest finish the job. It's a lot more efficient for ground-based units because there's almost no fighting over what will occupy the space.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
The only drawback I see to the Q modifier is my system is not able to do both Q and space at the same time. So - when I want blueprints added first, I have to start the unit's build queue all over again unless all I want to do is append the queue.
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