== v0.9.9.4 ==[Spoiler]Added CaptainBenz's Catapult model and updated some spider textures. Fixed Initial States handing of Priority. All units have a Nanoframe Priority and constructors additionally have Constructor Priority. Tactical AI:
AA, skirms all gunships.
Added enemy velocity prediction.
There are particularly noticeable improvement to poor turn rate units such as Dominatrix and Scalpel. Reverted 25% Krow bomb reduction. That change was sneakily included in only in the previous stable. Fixed CAI's windmill nanoframe spam. Increased Panther's accuracy vs fast small units (Flea and Glaive). Fixed bug where Outlaw would slow down allied repair. Vindicator range reduction. Now it must fly over ground units to shoot them. It cannot snipe commanders with no retaliation.
The lasers now have spherical range
Range reduced 350 -> 300.
Added optional circular area command for manually bound Set Target commands. Fixed set target's overzealous target tracking when targeting a cloaked unit. Fixed small command menu quirk that occurred when it was clicked on with a terraform command selected.
== v0.9.9.3 ==[Spoiler]Balance:
Mace range 370 -> 355
Scalpel projectile slightly faster and with less acceleration
Added hovering unit state icons:
Icons hover over units when shift is held to indicate firestate, movestate and armorstate.
Configure icon activation and size though "Settings -> Interface -> Hovering Icons"
Free Factory and Low Power icons are integrated into the system so prevent overlaps.
Changed extra cost function from area to perimter.
Thin wall cost is unchanged, large areas are cheaper.
Leveler, Banisher and Goliath projectiles smooth terrain.
Fixed missing debris for Gunship Factory.
Fixed state update upon unit transfer between teams.
Fixed core selector crash.
Possibly fixed occasional extra commander on rejoin.
Added a nice looking exit menu to workaround muffa's crash that could be triggered with the default engine exit menu. Mobile Cloaker and Shield now flee enemies. As with all unit AI use hold position to enabled it only for the fight command and click the light bulb to always disable it. Catapult can now target gunships. Replaced extremely powerful CAI commanders with commanders that players could feasibly start a game with.
== v0.9.9 ==[Spoiler]Version number++ because the number bloat was getting really silly. General
Fixed smart retargeting of slow weapons
Fixed marker placement when units are transfered due to lag/AFK
Fixed solars closing and "under attack" sounds playing when "hit" by a friendly Outlaw
Aircraft factories float rather than resting on seafloor
Chicken: Replaced egg AI selections with a single egg modoption
Fixed an issue where missile cruiser had considerably lower stats than intended
Fixed torpedo frigates not having sonar
Fixed EMP missile homing when it should not
Screamer missiles are free to stockpile
Scorpion has a new multi-stunner special attack
Jumpjet GUI is drawn for queued orders even if the last order in the queue is such that the start position of jump is not precisely known (construction, area orders)
Removed the massively annoying blinking of point tracker
Initial States includes gunship strafe
== v0.9.8.8 ==[Spoiler]Kodiachi. Attempted to make it worse vs Raiders and Riots and a bit easier to use.
Doubled turret turn speed.
Turnrate 616 -> 750.
Damage 300 -> 120.
Groundfire duration 200 -> 300 (a static unit should receive the same damage
as before).
Outlaw. More range and slow to make it better vs the longer ranged raiders.
AOE: 512 -> 600 (this is diameter)
Wavefront speed reduced 40%. This makes it worse against fast low hp things
so it doesn't completely WTFOMG them.
Damage 100 -> 75
EdgeEffectiveness 0.75 -> 0.95 (better damage at range)
Reload Time: 0.9 -> 0.85
Slow Damage: 36 -> 55
Pyro. Was probably accidentally buffed with engine and prediction change.
Range 280 -> 260
DPS reduced 15%
Thug. Increased weight by ~12.5%
Cost: 160 -> 180
HP: 850 -> 960
Shield: 1100 -> 1250
Regen: 15 -> 18
Starting power 650 -> 850 (I think 2/3 starting sounds nice).
Damage 150 -> 170
Starting power 600 -> 800 (for consistent 2/3 with Thug)
Health 580 -> 660 (survives 1 Haxor)
Reverted Double ROF
Range 400 -> 460 instead
== v0.9.8 ==[Spoiler]Infrastructure:
special 1v1, ffa, team and coop autohosts - do map picking and balancing automatically when you start and end game. Tag the maps!
each map can have starting commands set - like boxes, metalmult etc
server side unified springie admins
global mute, lobby ban and site ban penalties are now working
on starred autohosts use !map to let it pick next map
on "team" game autohosts smaller team players also get extra comm (not just on PW)
== v0.9.6.1 ==[Spoiler]General
Added a voice command widget (Windows only)
Implemented the Strider hub. This builds all the units previously exclusive to the Athena (from which they have been removed), as well as the missile sub, battleship and carrier (no longer buildable at the shipyard).
(Re)added the Surfboard, a transport from which land units can fire
Fixed Missile Silo not working properly
Fixed aiming/firing issues with torpedo module
Fixed excessively fast teching in chicken
Fixed chickens inappropriately going after human/CAI players on their team
Chicken/burrow count rises less dramatically with playercount in large games
Speed Queen has more health
Playerlist is much slimmer now; uses icons instead of text for ping/CPU indicators. A numerical reading is still available from the mouseover tooltip. Also fixed some bugs with player display.
Core Selector: default number of buttons reduced from 8 to 6 (can be changed in settings). Comm selection hotkey more responsive.
== v0.9.6 ==[Spoiler]Several fixes for important bugs in this quick post-Christmas update. Changelog includes v0.9.5.1 changes. Fixes
Fixed bombers trying to attack with no ammo
Fixed "Hadron collider" unit launching exploit. Buildings can no longer be placed in open factories.
Fixed Strike Commanders always having cloak
Jumping resets a unit's velocity again
Chicken: Fixed resetting of tech timer to its lowest possible value each time a burrow was killed
Slowing weapons now affect construction speed
Fixed Storage description
Healthbars cannot show negative health values.
Fixed Ctrl+C selection of commanders with more than one commander
Commanders can now have their initial fire and move state set through the menu. Game -> Unit AI -> Initial States -> Misc
Command menu tabs can be scrolled with [,] and [.]
Flamethrower weapons now lead their targets more reliably (as a side effect, they may look odd with LuaShaders off)
Catapult: cost 4000 -> 3500; AoE 96 -> 128; HP 4500 -> 4000
Thug beefier: HP 800 -> 850; Shield 1000 -> 1100; Shield regen 14 -> 15
Tick: Param time 30s -> 25s; Damage 4k -> 3.5k
Behemoth: cost 3000 -> 2500
Firewalker is more accurate
Bandit turret turns 55% faster
Pyro has a new texture
VR Grid no longer obscures weapon effects and the like
Behemoth has a flashier weapon effect
== v0.9.3.1 ==[Spoiler]Christmas comes early for good boys and girls! Santa's bringing a new version, with lots of bugfixes and an awesome increase in framerate! (Unfortunately, we also had to reset your widget settings and keybinds. Sorry about that. You should back up Documents/My Games/Spring/uikeys.txt if you modified it manually.) Engine
Should no longer crash on default settings with Intel cards
Implemented a new terrain rendering system (much much faster)
Improved pathfinding
Added awards for building mexes and doing damage with commanders
Felon: HP 1000 -> 1400, cost 700 -> 650
Dominatrix works faster on damaged units; cost 400 -> 420
Typhoon (corvette): HP 2400 -> 2200, damage per shot 11 -> 10
Shipyard HP increased 50% (4000 -> 6000)
New Welder (tank constructor) model
Fixed missing subs and precision bomber weapon effects when hitting underwater targets
Improved Skeeter, Pillager and Crabe weapon FX
Krow corpse scaled down to fit unit
Fixed crashes in player list and unit XP display
Added Map category to widget list
== v0.9.0 ==[Spoiler]Engine
Linux desyncs should be fixed
Vehicles maintain speed on turning properly
Reduced pathfinding lag and improved "flow"
Heightmap changes (e.g. terraform) invisible outside LOS
Radar plane LOS not based on ground position
Players are no longer defeated if they lose all units (including /take) as long as their allyteam is alive.
Units target things that they can no longer see for a lot less time
Units no longer attack recently captured units
/advshading command replaced with /advunitshading; analogous /advmapshading command added (try this if you're experiencing lag or graphics-related crashes)
/dynamicsun command added - toggles dynamic sun shading. May be buggy, recommend disabling.
Large blocky map texture and extreme CPU drain from the start of the game are known issues that affect a few players. Try to fix these with '/advmapshading' and '/dynamicsun'. Otherwise update graphics drivers and if problems persist create a ticket. Lobby
It is now possible to set "Data folder" where all content is stored (maps, games, engine, configs, logs) -> for people who run c: on small SSD
Fixes to default configs
Fixed Spidermonkey egg issues
Commanders which forgo a weapon at level 1 can keep the free peashooter at level 3
Pylon locked
On-fire effect from Firewalker, Inferno and corresponding commander weapons much shorter (so it expires quickly if you leave the burning area)
Moderator does 33% less slow damage
Slow effect capped at 50%
Merl cost reduction (800 -> 700) and damage increased (650 -> 700)
Puppy range increase (145 -> 155) and health increase (60 -> 80)
New unit, Felon. A heavy shieldbot walker which uses shield charge to power it's fun.
700 cost
Slow speed
Accurate LLT range
It uses shield charge to fire, use with Thugs and reduce it's damage output by shooting it.
Discharge from full shield does 1600 damage in 2.4 seconds
DPS is 27 when drained and reliant on regen.
Hellfire Grenade burns a much larger area; reloads more slowly and costs more
Disruptor bomb does 25% more slow damage
Kodachi AoE down to almost what it used to be
Gauss rifle a bit stronger
Missile launcher range down (450 -> 415) - now requires two range modules to outrange LLTs
Standoff Rocket a bit cheaper
Fixes to VR grid; disabled on all default settings except maximum
Improved large napalm effects
Fixed many playerlist issues
Core selector should work in spectator mode
Fixed incorrect values reported by resource bar
Fixed randomness in music player
== v0.8.13.4 ==[Spoiler]Gameplay
Fixed some bomber behaviour issues.
Fixed Scorpion not being radar invisible when cloaked.
Dominatrix has more speed; turret turns faster.
Assault Cannon and Missile Launcher do more damage and have more range.
Gauss Rifle reloads faster.
Slasher unpacks 20% faster.
Slow Beam and High Power Servos a bit cheaper.
A VR grid is drawn around the map.
Player list should work properly now.
"Night" effect: Start at dawn instead of midnight (configurable).
== v0.8.13.3 ==[Spoiler]Chat fix. It is now always open by default and autohides if 'minimised'. Module costs:
Hevy masheengun 100 -> 125
Rawket lawnchair 150 -> 125
Aerea sheelde 400 -> 450
Re-enabled target on the move. == v0.8.13.2 ==[Spoiler]
Overdrive fix. It now should work entirely this time which is a first.
== v0.8.13.1 ==[Spoiler]
Decoupled reserve metal from storage structures, reserve is now controllable with a slider bar on the resource bar. Energy is also reserved at the metal reserve level, does not affect non-constructor energy drain.
Overdrive behaviour improvement (may fix a bug that occurs at high energy).
Scorpion fixes.
Added minimisation buttons to Minimap, Chat and Playerlist.
== v0.8.13.0 ==[Spoiler]Interface
Playerlist ping goes up to 999 seconds (to show rejoin)
Chat and Playerlist have option to not hide on ESC
Healtbars in unit selection and tooltip are now colored.
Fixed patrol orders in gunship factory queue
New Stuff
Added Zenith, 30k cost superweapon that calls down reclaimable and hazardous asteroids.
Added Scorpion, 3k cost all terrain cloaky mech.
Added Assault Cannon and Missile Launcher commander weapons. Arty upgrades from Assault Cannon instead of riot.
BalanceEMP missile
Removed unintentional homing
health 1050 -> 1500 (now in line with Tarantula)
removed jump charge time.
Increased aim speed dramatically (4.5x) because it could aim much slower than turn. This was annoying to use and unrequired.
Made bullets fire properly on fixedwing (engine brokenness)
Fires properly on fixedwing (engine brokenness)
HP: 1250 -> 1200
Speed: 10 -> 8.8
Snake (light sub)
HP:1100 -> 1250 (2 shots from prec bomber and sniper sub)
Serpent (sniper sub)
Damage 1200->1100
HP:2600 -> 2300 (So that its HP can be cut while still 3-shooting other sniper subs).
Torpedo Frigate
== v0.8.12.0 ==[Spoiler]
storages now reserve the metal stored. To use it you need to set construction to high priority. Morphing or weapon reload (nuke) automatically taps from reserve.
clan icons and avatars are visible in lobby and ingame. New playerlist shows rank icons and clan icons too (only works 100% for people who use Zero-K lobby).
ingame GUI streamlined - playerlist, console with chat history and epic menu can be all displayed/hidden by pressing escape. Console appears when you start typing text. Important ally and enemy chat messages appear in bubbles.
text to speach is silent for spectators
== v0.8.11.0 ==[Spoiler]Design:
Made some tweaks that should hopefully improve vehicle movement
Commanders of disconnected people spawn at 30s instead of 2 minutes
Bad target category improvements for Dominatrix and Reaper
Fixed shipyard footprint etc. issues
Chicken: changed some tooltips; added a new supporter chicken; made queen health scale with arrival time; added tech time floor
Removed reload bonus with xp.
Double commander recipient in planetwars now also has double storage. This is to prevent excess at the start of the game.
Added target setting on the move functionality. It can be completely controlled with hotkeys but by default it will keep a unit's target when an explicit attack command is cancelled by a move command.
Simplified armour system:
Razor's Kiss damage reduction 0.2 -> 0.25
Pitbull damage reduction 0.15 -> 0.25
Pitbull health 2250 -> 3000 to compensate
All armoured units now have 0.25 damage reduction. Crabe is the exception with 0.33. Interface:
Nano turret added to Unit AI -> Initial States menu under Static.
Changed style of terraform icons.
Krow bomb reload time 20s -> 30s
Hammer projectile even slower
Napalm missile and Firewalker:Ground fire duration increased 1.5x, DPS halved
Slight tracking added to prec bomber, it can hit subs that jitter out of the way
Venom damage 800 -> 600
Bantha cost 12000 -> 10500
New Shield texture, small jitter effect for large shields.
Added some pointless flashing lights to things
== v0.8.10.0 ==[Spoiler]We've introduced some new models, and implemented a brand new (experimental) faction system for PlanetWars. Lots of other changes too, be sure to read the whole changelog! ----- PLANETWARS NEW ROUND! ----- New PlanetWars homeworld system:
each clan can select one empty planet as their home (if they have enough influence spread through galaxy on unocuppied planets). Influence is moved from those spread planets to new home.
at any point, clan can "consolidate" influence from spread unowned planets back to homeworld
only clan founder or people with rights can perform this action
free planets for clans after first battle removed
Introduced taxes:
influence generates $2 per 100 influence for owner
Introduced corruption:
corruption reduces planet income (mines and tax). Corruption depend on ratio between first and second clan influence
Introduced decay:
if there is a corruption on the planet,each clan loses 10 influence every turn
Changed fleet behavior:
fleet capacity - it does not represent max total ships anymore, but ships you can deploy at one planet. This fixes issue with jumpgates etc
bombing also reduces influence by 3% and 10% if there are no more structures
clan domination malus decreased and capped at -70
max clan size 8, no matter the player skill
game can be started again even if composition score is not good
mines nerfed
------ GUI: ------
Added widget; Replace Cloak Con Orders (disabled by default). It turns repair and reclaim orders into move orders if given to a cloaked constructor. This is to prevent unfortunate accidental decloak when navigating a wreck field with Rectors or cloaked Commanders.
Added terraform tooltip that shows hotkeys for each type of command when using that command.
Tactical AI no longer activates when a unit is set to hold position and an attack command is given by the player (now it required fight to activate).
Fixed transport AI wait bug (transported units were sometimes kept in "waiting" state)
Added a new minimap icon for Pylon and adjusted the Geo/Fusion one. Some very small units, mostly mobile bombs, are now displayed as minimap icons at lower than default zoom levels.
------ GAME BALANCE: ------ Commander Modules:
Sheild drain 6 -> 12 (to be equal to mobile shield)
Energy cell back to correct value (+6e), cost reduced (250 -> 225).
Removed range bonus from Nanolathe
Commander Weapons: Dgun:
12% more damage
33% wider AOE
Gauss Rifle:
Riot Cannon:
AOE 136 -> 128
Damage 250 -> 240
Range 290 -> 270
Almost all death explosions crater 12.5% less to make the terrain a bit more Vehicle friendly. Faraday:
Range 860 -> 820
Speed 1.72 -> 1.62
Shield regen rate 12 -> 14
Cost 420 -> 400
Capture decay rate 5% -> 4%/s
Delay before degrade 2 -> 5s
Missile range 520 -> 460
Cost 3600 -> 3500
Speed 1.7 -> 1.75
Tacnuke Missile:
New model (Mr Bob)
Damage 300 -> 600
Reload 6 -> 10
Range 1650 -> 1850
Shot is slower and arcs
Flipped model (flys 'forwards'), restricted arcs. Can now only fire 2 guns at any point on the ground.
Damage increase 50% to compensate for arc loss.
Health 17000 -> 17500
Can fire missile storm below it every 20 seconds, manual fire.
Removed gravity beam, missile storm replaces it.
Fixed slow weapon interaction with Stiletto and Krow burst weapons, the burst is now slowed. Chicken:
Spires do more damage
Burrows should no longer spawn in lava
------ GRAPHICS ------ New Recluse, Venom, Tarantula and Weaver models. by CaptainBenz. == v0.8.9.1 ==[Spoiler]
Chicken: reduced Toad flooding; fixed Diggers and Spires; tube spawns based on aggression rating change for the previous wave rather than current total; fixed a div0 error
Rapier HP down some more (1400 -> 1300)
New animations for Glaive
Terraform spawns at ground height as visible to the player; fixed having LoS
HLT cost 400 -> 420; fixed wreckage value
Standardized comm hitvolumes
Fixed an error with slowbeam weapons
Fixed nanolaser flare
Fixed normalmaps for some units
Fixed jumpers leaving tracks on the ground while in midair
New jump animation for Archangel
Seismic missiles work against terraform in progress
Updated some unit descriptions
== v0.8.9 ==[Spoiler]
Nanospray converted to a nanolaser at lower graphical settings; works with Lua shaders off (e.g. minimum settings)
Reworked Plasma Artillery conversion:
Basic version has medium damage and rate of fire, with some inaccuracy (particularly against moving targets).
High Caliber Barrel makes it comparable to the old artillery module.
Napalm Warhead sets targets on fire briefly, but does not create a fire cloud. To get the fire cloud effect, both High Caliber Barrel and Napalm Warhead are required.
All combinations have a shorter base range than the old arty module.
Companion Drone will not fly further than 450 m from the parent commander (half of previous range).
Disruptor Beam no longer has a range advantage over Slowing Beam.
Rapier HP 1500 -> 1400
Brawler HP 2400 -> 2800
Banshee can fire 60° off-axis (from 45°)
Overhauled the system for greater transparency. A single value, the player aggression rating (aggro), controls chicken responses to tech.
Positive aggression ratings cause the chickens to spam more and produce defenses.
Negative aggression ratings cause the chickens to tech faster and produce more Toads. At sufficiently low values, the chickens can use special abilities to bypass defenses.
Added a new flyer chicken, the Roc.
Faraday delay between shots 2.4s -> 2.8s
Defender damage 110 -> 105
Crabe can cancel its curling before completion
Fixed an occasional error with Stiletto attack runs
Readded comm selection announcements
Advanced camera disabled by default
== v0.8.8.2 ==[Spoiler]
Fixed a general interface crash
Fixed several issues with Core Selector
Fixed factory build progress in main menu not displaying
Fixed high-level comms trying to fit into gaps they can't
Fixed Companion Drone doing 10% the damage it should
Fixed cruise missiles (from silo) not counting towards damage dealt
Jugglenaut no longer attempts to use its gravity guns on gunships
Shadow works properly when given a fight order while on Fire at Will
Jethro and Bantha do a bit more damage
Removed ally comm selection announcement
Planetwars: Buildings should no longer spawn in lava
Voting GUI now has a 1s delay between votes (to prevent spamming)
== v0.8.8 ==[Spoiler]
Game interface:
new "selector" bar, shows idle constructors, commanders factories
ally chat is automatically converted to speech (with Zero-K lobby)
chat bubbles stack to bottom, only ally chat and point bubbles appear
go to last alert button for minimap
only ally chat makes "ping" sound
changed default layout
main menu layout tweaks and improvements
bomber ammo icon displays for specs
removed rarely used features - quickmatching, follow, auto ready
page loading in progress indicator for browser
settings tab overhaul - easy way to pick one of graphics details presets
after engine crash, lobby offers to switch to minimal config
initial game resolution is set to match desktop resolution
Zero-K lobby now distributes proper default configs with bindings and settings optimized for ZK
team balancing tweaks
it is now possible to buy/sell influence from "locals" - at any time, at high (buy)/low (sell) prices
Unit properties:
Krow behavior fixed; now comes with a gravity gun
Stiletto attack run length reduced by 33%
Dante rocket salvo fires twice as fast (takes half as long to finish)
Concussion Shell has more AoE and impulse; Disruptor Bomb does a bit more damage
Plasma Containment Field no longer affects Heavy Machine Gun
Shadow dives to hit targets under shields by default; can be made to never dive, dive against any target, or to always fly at low altitude.
replaced commander teleport effect at start of game with a better one
commanders grow dramatically in size with levels
fixed Chicken Suicidal difficulty
== v0.8.7.2 ==[Spoiler]
Fixed gravity guns targeting statics
Fixed edge-of-startbox bug
Fixed issue with Cloak Fire State applying to units it shouldn't
Licho HP 2800 -> 2600, range 700 -> 500
Ultimatum cloak cost 10/50 -> 8/24
!PlanetWars: Numerically smaller team gets free comms assigned to best players to make up for the difference
Burrow wave bonus down
Burrow queen time up
Base HP increased
HP reduced on early appearance
Retains paralyze and capture damage when morphing, can't morph when paralyzed
White Dragon drops an egg
AI picks its own comm instead of whatever parent player picked
Pit Bull uses a gauss cannon instead of the old rocket launcher
Bantha HP 35000 -> 36000
Cluster Bomb has a bit more range
== v0.8.6 ==[Spoiler]Inverted commander icon scheme (commanders use the nice icon and Ultimatum uses the square shoulders ugly icon). Skuttle impulse to 25% (that is assuming the impulse weapon attribute is linear). Cursors for Jump and Special Weapon added. Fixed commander wreckage tooltip. It now carries the commander name and space click shows modules and weapons. Commander base cost 1600 -> 1200. This only affects things that attack vs cost (capture) and the value of wreckage. Unit mass equation changed.
Old Mass = `9*(cost*0.5 + hp*0.1)^0.55`
New Mass = `6.5*(cost*0.5 + hp*0.125)^0.6`
Masses have changed by no more than 10%, cheap things are lighter and expensive ones are heavier. Fixed Tick being left out of EMP resist change. Remove automatic firestate change from Tick when it burrows or unburrows. Removed Wolverine morphs since it can't get XP for them Scalpel can morph to Penetrator. Gnat
Speed 10 -> 8
Damage 400 -> 320
Reaper cost 900 -> 850 Puppy Range 120 -> 145 (originally 190) Infiltrator:
Speed 2.707 -> 2.55
Cost 200 -> 280
Para Time 40s -> 35s
Cloak Cost while static: 0.2 -> 4 (Skuttle 5)
Cloak Cost while moving: 1 -> 12 (Skuttle 15)
Venom speed 2.85 -> 2.7 Rogue AOE 68 -> 75 Fixed Racketeer aiming issue. 'Medium' ships now go anywhere light ones can as medium and light is a hard distinction to make. Sub
HP 900 -> 1100
Damage 500 -> 410
Reduced Recon Commander Chassis base HP:
1: 2250 -> 1800
2: 2750 -> 2400
3: 3600 -> 3150
4: 5000 -> 4000
Ultimatum healthbar no longer hidden from enemies. Licho shot explodes when it reaches where the target was - stops the missile from flying around in the air. Can now shoot at fixed wing. Jugglenaut has a laser fire sound and gravity beams now pass through shields (in line with the Newton change). Fix for giving attack commands to enemy airpads with bombers. Commander spawning fixes:
Fixed bug that gave players 2 commanders in a certain situation.
Default Commanders are now spawned 2 minutes into the game for all teams that have not yet spawned a commander.
Alternate Battlecom model in use to fix strange and rare desync bug (no visible change). Units with shields are now completely unable to be cloaked because the shield is still visible. As such cloak module on a shielded commander will do nothing. Removed Venom, Faraday and Tick EMP resist. No EMP resistance remains. Fighters no longer collide. Light transports can no longer carry commanders around. They can also not carry heavy things such as Sumo and Goliath. If you ever wonder whether something can be carried use this simple equlation `6.5*(cost*0.5 + hp*0.125)^0.6` > 365. Added ingame structure spawns for planetwars. Structures built on planets now appear ingame for dirty mercenaries to pillage haphazardly. == v0.8.5 ==[Spoiler]==TLDR== Removed many special rules around commander (emp resist, hidden HP etc..) Many module and weapon rebalanced, most notably:
Autorepair 25hp/s -> 20hp/s
Fixed Range and Damage adjustments (were cumulative)
Fixed Speed changes not stacking, will make many Adv HP actually slow people down
Heatray and Sunburst damage nerfs.
Changed EMP system. Paralysis percentage/time will not change when the unit is damaged. Paralysis threashold required to stun a unit is still based on current health. Infiltrator EMP damage 15000 -> 8000 (as system changed) Fixed Sumo and Gnat scripts. Added a widget that allows players to individually configure the starting state of their mobile units through the menu. Added Team Commends mode as a test, defaults to OFF. When enabled if at any time an ally team has no commander the entire ally team will explode. Added new award: Share Bear. Share at least 5000 metal worth of units to a teammate and you're eligible to win. However, receiving units from teammates subtracts from your current score. ==Full== Many special behaviour rules removed for the commander:
No longer Fireproof (as in it could not be set on fire)
No longer 90% EMP resistent
Removed extreme heavyness (about 2x the value it should have had) will increase with levels, mass = ((cost/2 + health/10)^0.55)x9
Health is now unhidden from opponents.
Activatable weapon abilities (comm specials, dante) can now take units as targets instead of the ground below. This should make firing more reliable as when a unit is the target the shot will be aimed higher so will not be blocked by as many things. Also aircraft can now be aimed at. Commander morph time = 20, 25, 30 dependant on level (increasing with level). This means drain rate is dependant on modules cost. Pure slow weapons do half their slow damage to shields, composites (disruptor, purple bullet modules do just normal damage):
Slow Beam weapon module
Plasma Containment Field adds %30 to weapon range regardless of the weapon type (only for the 3 weapons the module affects)
Autoflechette Mod reload time penatly -50% to -40%
Heatray damage 30 -> 25
Sunburst damage 2500 -> 2400
Concussion shell impulse less crazy, upped damage a bit to compensate. Loses the gauss effect.
Auto Repair rate 25 hp/s -> 20 hp/s
Decloak radius 100 -> 75, same as every other unit.
Fixed Range and Weapon percentage bonuses being cumulative
Fixed Speed changes not stacking. So Adv HP Slowdown works properly as does the Speed Increase Module.
Personal and Area Cloak modules set the decloak radius of the Commander to 150.
Napalm Warhead now causes Plasma Artillery to shoot Firewalker-like shots.
Gauss rifle weapon now shoots much faster and has more damage to compensate. As gauss deals damage to units as it passes through units this makes Gauss better against small things as they would only collide with the projectile once. This is similar to the fix for the Hovercraft Raider.
Some module costs also changed but these are updated without a version release so hard to keep track of. Level 3 and 4 Commanders are more explosive. Recon Commander Changes:
Loses Damage Bonus (was 5%, 10%, 15%)
Removed base speed increase with levels. Replaced with percentage speed increase; 7.5%, 15%, 30%. These numbers yield very similar speeds to the old base speed increase, the difference is only apparent when speed affecting modules are used on the Commander.
Changes to EMP system.
EMP percentage or time no longer changes when Health changes. As in no more repairing for faster regen or and taking damage does not increase paralysis time.
A unit is still easier to EMP when on low Health, EMP damage that needs to be dealt to a unit to stun it is still equal to it's current health.
So in effect dealing (or healing) normal damage to a unit scales EMP health such that the EMP percentage or timer does not change.
Infiltrator EMP damage 15000 -> 8000 (as system changed) Fixed Sumo aiming for good, now using a mathematically thought out implementation instead of a random jumble of trig. Fixed Gnat aiming script. Fixed Blastwing producing energy when landed (negative cloak cost). Fixed Line Of Sight for Recluse, Rogue and Commanders. LOS for units with less than 545.5 is always >= 1.1*weapon range.
Commanders now follow this rule, LOS maximum is 600.
Other 2 units just had LOS adjusted slightly to account for the small range changes they had a few versions ago.
Added new award: Share Bear. Share at least 5000 metal worth of units to a teammate and you're eligible to win. However, receiving units from teammates subtracts from your current score. Space-clicking on a commander will display all modules it has, as well as its paid-for cost. Blastwing back to fire at will be default. Changed target catergories:
Penetrator and Annihilator now shoot at Fixedwing though they prefer not to.
Goliath, Blackdawn and Brawler now shoot at Fixedwing and Gunships, prefer not to. Brawler has fire tolerance (ability to fire sideways) 60 -> 50.
Brawler and Blackdawn were tested. Brawler is really bad against air, it misses all the time. Blackdawn is even worse except for against Krow as Krow is a large target. Added a widget that allows players to individually configure the starting state of their mobile units (state when the unit is created or given to you). States include:
Tactical AI
Found under Spanner -> Unit AI -> Initial States. Finally removed Constructor buildable mine. Added Team Commends mode as a test, defaults to OFF. When enabled if at any time an ally team has no commander the entire ally team will explode. Goliath, Blackdawn and Brawler can now shoot at air.
== v0.8.4 ==[Spoiler]Important changes:
Hopefully eliminated cloak field ATI bug for good
New unit, Disco Rave Party
Puppies much weaker
Bombers can be controlled after dropping bomb
Windmills turn into tidal generators on water
Multithread warning time increased to 30 seconds, does not disable interface
Fixed exploit where locked units could still be built without disabling the unlock system entirely
Multiple fixes to chicken; increased anti-lag threshold and allowed burrow spawning when anti-lag is on
Fixed allied CAI picking the player's commander for him/her
Commanders remain functional while morphing
Units become easier to paralyze when damage
Lightning units do a bit less paralyze damage to compensate
Vandal and Catapult do slightly more damage, Brawler and Tremor have slightly more range, Racketeer has more AoE and is cheaper
Krow slower, shorter range
Reworked seismic missile
Starlight requires no energy
Many modules have also received price tweaks over the past two weeks, so you may wish to check the available selection again.
== v0.8.3 ==[Spoiler]
Fixed Commander shield + 2 weapons
Fixed battle commander brokenness
Fixed crash due to some module combos
Nerfed Skuttle Damage 10k -> 8k
Nerfed Krow speed (93%) and range (87%)
Increased comm HMG range to Riot Gun range
Fixed jamming missing for commander cloaker
Potential workaround for teal fog bug
Using Licho OD which is apparently better than the 0.8.2 version.
Added Mr.Bob Screamer and Jump Factory model
Fixed Carrepairer's camera (apparently)
Fixed ferry points
Nuke now unlock, shieldbots swapped with cloakybots for unlock
Better interface for Auto Assist widget, state toggle and default setting
through menu.
Fixed mex overdrive failure to update income if a mex dies on a large raidius
map (Think Azure), this was never a feature.
Buffed commander rocket launcher
Classic comms are selectable if not on Springie
Land at command default to off for aircraft
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Last: 9 years ago