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Constant admin abuse by Chesti

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DErankChesti continues to abuse admin power and kick me from CZrankNeptunium host
though I did nothing wrong on this particular host
If I want to play seriously why I can't do so?

[18:12] Firepluk this is not up to you Chesti
[18:12] Chesti this host was made to avoidresign / roach cannon shit like Firepluk does
[18:12] Firepluk u sit tight Chesti
[18:12] Senaven So if he trolls then admin can kick him off
[18:12] NEShelltone xD
[18:12] Chesti !spec Firepluk
[18:12] NEShelltone wow
[18:12] Rafal[ZK] !spec Chesti
[18:12] Firepluk !spec Chesti
[18:12] * Neptunium Sorry, you do not have rights to execute spec
[18:12] * Neptunium Poll: Spectate Chesti? [!y=1/6, !n=0/6]
[18:12] Firepluk !y
[18:12] Svatopluk !y
[18:12] Old_Frog !y
[18:12] dahn !y
[18:12] NEShelltone !y
[18:12] Rafal[ZK] !y
[18:12] dahn !y
[18:12] * Neptunium Poll: Spectate Chesti? [END:SUCCESS]
[18:12] Svatopluk heh
[18:12] cleanrock perhaps give him a chance now and ban if fail ?
[18:12] Old_Frog r e k t
[18:13] Firepluk haha
[18:13] NEShelltone !start
[18:13] * Neptunium Poll: Start game? [!y=1/7, !n=0/7]
[18:13] Firepluk !y
[18:13] Svatopluk !y
[18:13] Chesti !kick Firepluk

Any help?

P.S. the whole idea of this host seems like a joke
Everyone continues to morph troll coms, blame each other, suicide... So serious
+11 / -0
8 years ago
Actually it is a serious host. We dont like trolling so everybody who wants to play serious can join there.

Those who dont wont have to go to All Welcome or change their gameplay ;)

Where is that abuse? Or arent you free to choose the room you want to play at
+0 / -2

8 years ago
*joined Neptunium
>>> No Trolling!! <<<

You troll every second game with either resign, roach cannons or other stuff.
So there is still all welcome. This host was made for players who do not like black box games which have every time a surprise... you do that in 3 vs 3 as well.
So no reason to let you play there
+0 / -2
8 years ago
+7 / -1
8 years ago
I've seen other players troll too, for example Old_Frog launched his com from roach cannon on a springiee host being on my team. I'm not judging. But I don't see Chesti kicking him from Neptunium - double standards.

Anyway, democracy won, Chesti left alone in his host :-) Springiee joined.
+3 / -0
8 years ago
Svato yesterday, it was Firepluk who got left alone.

Also Firepluk was the main reason to create that room. But dont worry other trolls will also be kicked.

Ps. We dont care what happends at Spingie anymore
+2 / -0
Some context: Firepluk just joined the room then was promptly kicked out as seen in the chat log.

As far as I am concerned, there are no explicit rules for the SERIOUS HOST besides a very ambigous "NO TROLLING". How do you actually know whether or not Firepluk intended to troll DErankChesti ?

I mean don't get me wrong if there would have been some rules that were actually broken then that kick would be totally jutified. I would even say that a short ban would be just as well but the facts are that Firepluk did nothing wrong (at this time).
+3 / -0

8 years ago
Of course he did "nothing wrong" _this time_. How long it will it take that he starts trolling with other trolls on that host? Of course he plays two three games serious and then falls back into his old behaviour. I saw him in smaller games trolling too with resign votes etc.. This room was made to have a serious game instead of not knowing if you can count on team or not...
So why should he be allowed there? Do not make a drama when a troll got kicked out of a non-troll room.

+0 / -1
In any way it should be not up to DErankChesti to decide should I play here or not(or any other player)
UNLESS there is a clear abuse/violation on this particular host

There might be a !votekick from his side(as well as from any other player) but definitely not a !kick before I even played a single game there

Also DErankChesti and others who created that host, define "TROLLING" please
so far I've spectated a couple of games on this host - "suicides, com-morph, team blame", the same old CZrankSpringiee story...
+7 / -0

8 years ago
You trolled every other teams host so why you should be allowed to troll serious host?
+0 / -3

8 years ago
Chesti, if he's done something to warrant being banned from that particular host, then ban him and document the infraction that justifies the ban.

Don't use your admin powers to kick him just because you don't want to play with him there.
+9 / -0
why you should be allowed to troll serious host?

He shouldn't. That's why *mins are supposed to kick/ban him if they see him trolling the serious room.
+7 / -0
Yea, if I get a penalty I want this penalty to be:
- discussed within the admin community(not abused by a single person, e.g. DErankChesti )
- documented(displayed on a page as any other penalty would be)
Am I thinking wrong?
+1 / -0
Also DErankChesti "TROLLING" is very subjective description, please elaborate my observations
- people blame each other on serious host
- people morph troll coms
Is it "TROLLING"? If this is it why aren't any actions being taken to protect the "SERIOUS" host from it?
+1 / -0

8 years ago
I saw enough games from him when he was asked kindly to respect teamplay and to help team and not to cook his own soup.
All was hopeless. I do not see the problem. Problem will be further more the endless discussions what is trolling what not. They will just punch out the rules until they find a small gap where they can troll and saying: it is not forbidden and blah...
Normal understanding of why the room is there should be clear.
He never manages to play serious over long term. Why I should just believe in 100 th time or give him the chance to try it when he fails so many times before in smaller games too?
+0 / -0
8 years ago
+0 / -0

8 years ago
He shouldn't. That's why *mins are supposed to kick/ban him if they see him trolling the serious room.

The discussion of what is trolling in the host would lead to nowhere. Many people understand what this host is for.. why do you need to troll every attempt to create some serious room?
+0 / -0
He never manages to play serious over long term. Why I should just believe in 100 th time or give him the chance to try it when he fails so many times before in smaller games too?

Why should YOU in particular decide this? especially before the actual violation actually happened?


There is none, I was not allowed to enter the game and was kicked from the battle room as soon as I unspeced(3rd or 4th time in a row, across the week)

Many people understand what this host is for.. why do you need to troll every attempt to create some serious room?

Why then I see com morphs and blame between the teammates here on a "SERIOUS" host?
+0 / -0
8 years ago
I see what Firepluks Problem is.

Without serious players, trolls have nobody to troll left. Thats why he is so angry. He just needs us.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
click report.
+0 / -0
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