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8 years ago
im asking who tp make the best economy to defade the others. Can somebody help me
+1 / -0
8 years ago
an advice to optimise your eco skills try to get 100 Zeus as fast as you can.

try a few strategies out and you will find out the best way to eco
+0 / -0
8 years ago
You are asking the right question, economy is usually what decides who wins.
First lesson: scout and react
Find out as fast as possible (in the first minute) if your enemy will attack you soon. Because you don't want your economy to be killed by his raiders. You should always be ready to defend with your own units and commander.
hint: build radar to spot incoming attacks
protip: try to attack him a bit to distract him from attacking you. 2 reasons "Offense is the best defense" -Napoleon and "Don't try to make your econ grow faster than his, try to make his grow slower than yours." - KDR_11k

Second lesson: you can never have enough mexes
Early in the game, before or after making your first raiders, make a constructor to expand in another direction than your com. Take a mex cluster, then put down solars (or wind on high maps), then continue taking mexes.
Make a constructor for each 3-5 combat units you make, send them to expand in different directions, let the second one build energy and later caretakers and fusions, use some for reclaiming,repair and setting up defense.
hint: use areamex "W", to quickly order a con to take mexes in an area.

Third lesson: Priorities
These are essential for early game economy, and continue to make a big difference in the late game.
You can set which build project gets resources first, so they finish faster than the others.
In general: prioritize what you need: build a caretaker when you don't have enough buildpower to spent your metal, prioritize solars when stalling energy, prioritize emergency defense towers...
You always need more metal, so put them on high prio as well*.
hints: always give your com high prio, so he can quickly make defense when an attack coms, make solars when you stall energy,...
* in the menu there is a setting called "initial unit state", which you can/should set to be high priority for mexes

Fourth lesson: reclaim
Another reason to have constructors near the front: reclaim the wrecks of your fallen enemies/units! It's basically free metal! And you don't want your enemy to have it!
hint: when there are a lot of wrecks (500m or more) around and you have time to reclaim them, build a caretaker (or more) to eat it faster!

to be continued...
+4 / -0
Looking at your xp, you're new. You might be after more basic information than what Flipstip is offering:

Step one: get mex (metal extractors). Mex give you metal over time, and metal is the primary resource.

Step two: get energy and buildpower (workers/caretakers) equal to or above your metal income, otherwise you can't spend your metal.

Now you can spend your metal. Use your metal to secure more mex. Every time you secure more mex you need to repeat step two.

Step three: Once you've got enough mex (you can never have enough mex, but you can have sufficient mex to meet specific goals), you figure out a way to makes sure your opponent has less mex than you. This can mean securing even more mex, or it can mean destroying opposing mex.

Step four: figure out a way to turn your opponent having less mex than you into your opponent losing the game.

If you want examples, go to Community -> Ladders and check the top 10. Then go Play -> Replays. Search for a 1v1 game with one of these players, on the map Comet Catcher Redux. Observe how they open and try and understand why they do what they're doing.

Alternatively, there are guides. Go Manual -> Economy. This will give you more specific information, but is wordier and is more a wiki than a guide. It's useful once you've got the basics down.

Aquanim's guide is fantastic, and extends past economy IIRC. Click here for his forum thread linking to all his guides, or here for the guide itself.

ShadowFury333 has a youtube overview too, and it's less than four minutes long. It's well presented and easy to listen to. It's here.
+2 / -0
8 years ago
economy economy economy economy
economy economy economy economy
economy economy economy economy
economy economy economy economy
+0 / -0
in memoriam wubrior


+4 / -0

8 years ago
In team games should be started like that - help rush singu nab or i resign.
+1 / -0