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Mute was applied without telling any reason

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EErankAdminAnarchid muted me for 24h without providing any reason/feedback

>> PENALTY: not being nice

The fuck is going on?
+2 / -1
8 years ago
I'm seriously tired from your double standards,

when PLrankFailer tells me to
"suck his dick", "gtfo" or something even worse (happened recently, got reported)
he gets nothing

And I get mute without getting even a slightest explanation about what happened

2 questions:
How do you expect me to improve without providing a reason for your punishment?
How do you expect players to behave if u stuck in double-standards bullshit?
+2 / -1
How do you expect me to improve without providing a reason for your punishment?

I'll pastebin it next time. Good point.

How do you expect players to behave if u stuck in double-standards bullshit?

Your last report on PLrankFailer happened (a week ago) when i was disconnected, so i couldn't apply an instant punishment for his certainly unacceptable behavior. Again, i apologize for inaction.
+7 / -3

8 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
How do you expect me to improve without providing a reason for your punishment?

Most people have learned how to behave nicely by the time they reach adulthood.

You should consider leaving this game and not returning until you reach adulthood as well.
+3 / -11
You should consider leaving this game and not returning until you reach adulthood as well.

You should consider hanging yourself USrankCrazyEddie
seriously, no returns - one way ticket
+3 / -7
You should consider hanging yourself

It seems you are looking for the mute-forum ban combo

EDIT: trollthread feat. knorke's trollvoting
+9 / -0

8 years ago

11:17 PM] Springiee [Firepluk]lobster team, esp SnuggleBass
[11:17 PM] Springiee [SnuggleBass]please don't call me names.
[11:17 PM] Firepluk SnuggleBass LOBSTER
[11:18 PM] Firepluk he sucked hard
[11:18 PM] SnuggleBass Firepluk don't be nasty please.
[11:20 PM] SnuggleBass I'll admit my mistake, but please don't be a shit about it.
[11:20 PM] Firepluk SnuggleLob in enemy tea m yay

We weren't provided with a replay link.

PLrankFailer got a mute now, sorry about missing the report.
+6 / -0
The spring community follows knorkewin's law: As a forum thread grows longer, the probability of knorke taking part approaches 1.
+13 / -0
Well, at least it works both ways
Thanks RUrankAdminikinz

too bad it takes a forum post to get attention to reports :(
+1 / -0

8 years ago
Masterful play by SnuggleBass. He politely asked sfire to be polite.

An exquisite trap.
+5 / -0

8 years ago
For there to be a replay link there would have to have been a relevant replay; those things were said between games.
+2 / -0

8 years ago
too bad it takes a forum post to get attention to reports

sfire: It's hard to have much sympathy for your position here. The admins would have more time to pay attention to reports by you if they weren't so busy reading the reports about you.

Everyone else: Note that his complaint here is self-centered. He views the reporting system not as a way to improve the game for everyone, but as yet another weapon with which to strike at his opponents. When the admins are slow to respond to a complaint, he takes it as being unfair to him, as if he has been deprived of something he's entitled to.
+3 / -0
Yes, report is a weapon
I expect everyone to obey the same rules and if they do not - be punished
What the community is if rules work only one way but not another?
+3 / -0
8 years ago
as an independent observer....

the game is flawed if it allows bad language..

all bad/insults need to be blocked and anyone who bypasses those blocked punished..

but then again the admins have not yet determined if the admins want a large community of players or a small community of trolls

(btw i agree with firepluk on this issue, mute without warning, and rules applied unfairly is tyranny)
+5 / -2

8 years ago
Firepluk was asked nicely to stop (by a moderator, no less) multiple times. The rules were reasonably applied.
+7 / -0

8 years ago
all bad/insults need to be blocked and anyone who bypasses those blocked punished

I'm actually laughing right now, trying to imagine how you want to police every single word that could be an insult. You do realize that the term used here was "lobster"? Good luck finding that in the blacklist of any other game. It's ludicrous to even imply admins should hunt down every new way of expressing "new/incompetent player", because anybody could probably come up with those words faster than somebody could copy paste them onto a list.
+3 / -0
8 years ago
Let's train a neural network for automatic banhammer. Xoxo
+8 / -0

8 years ago
You do realize that the term used here was "lobster"?

at least it wasn't "zrob"
+2 / -0

8 years ago
"too bad it takes a forum post to get attention to reports :( "

But what would we do without our weekly Firepluk-sponsored mini-drama?

Everybody knows the 80-20 rules, but with you, we are managing to get near to the 95-5 rule!!
+5 / -0
Oh, great I havent been playing for 2 days and I see im muted now.
Can u at least explain to me why the hell am I muted for 2 days for ONE PHRAZE after begin CLEARLY provoked by Firepluk ? And nope, it wasnt only the bit seen in pastebin, it was half an hour of constant verbal harrasment, and being a complete useless in teamgame.
Ofc I lost my temper, but wtf?

Dont want to start a new thread.
+0 / -0
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