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A gazillion spectators put people off playing small games

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8 years ago
It seems like when it gets late players are put off playing smaller games due to the inproportionate number of active specs that are watching smaller games like 2 v 2. Maybe the number of specs should be limited based on the game size. It certainly seems to be harming the game as it is.

Maybe with a less culture of derision it would not be a problem but after an evening of being heckled by players that I have beaten who seem to think it is ok to then try to and compensate by making really cool kid comments even when they are on the same team, its understandable why these smaller games just end up dying.

I think it would be good to review the specator policy. A 2 v 2 game with 10 spectators is just silly.
+2 / -5
Right, and a 10v10 game with 2 spectators makes so much sense
+3 / -0
8 years ago
well yeah, that would be better, I dont see your point.
+0 / -0
Oh I get it, you just want small teams games. Thats a different issue really. Seeing as you down voted me though, I'll be sure not to join any of your small teams games.
+0 / -2
I think the players in a game should have the ability to mute or kick spectators, individually or as a whole. If the players don't want specs, that's their prerogative.

And if someone is heckling, report them. They should be given penalties and/or driven out of the community.

But I'd hate to see a general standard arise that games should have restricted numbers of spectators by default. I think having a lot of spectators watching games is good for the community, as long as they aren't being disruptive or disrespectful and aren't unwelcome by the players.
+3 / -0
8 years ago
I'm not sure by itself its good. For example a new player joins spec, watches a game and the specs make a lot of negative comments about the players. Espcially in a small player game, all a new player gets out of this, is that they will be derided in the same fashion should they choose to participate.

Much better that the new player gets directly involved in a game without fear of retribution or rebuke.
+0 / -0
8 years ago

This is the kind of thing I am talking about. I wonder which spectator did this.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Matsuda, look at it like this

The new player joins the friday night clustterfuck party. (I sad already enough everybody should know what i will write now)

He will see everybody flaming or blaming other people, he want learn to play proper/ will stay a bad player for years.

So tell me is that a bether start?

In small games, when there are some friendly players, they often try to help to the newbie and he will have much more fun and also a person that he can talk to the next times.

Of course, some people seems to be affraid to join a 2 vs 2 game, because they have fear they could fail...
+0 / -0
8 years ago
look at my post above, see the delightful spectator drawing.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
"Remember that anyone posting in the ZK forum is pretty much in the 1% hardcore of RTS players."

One nation! One room! One lobster! bring up the eco! do doo doo always hardcore!
+0 / -0
[quote] I wonder which spectator did this. [/i]

function widget:MapDrawCmd (playerid,cx,dfxg,err,)
sprgion.echo (getplayerlist[plwyerid].name9]

oors osmething likehta

and https://springrts.com/phpbb/search.php?keywords=svg&terms=all&author=carrepairer&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search
+0 / -0
8 years ago
judging by that post you linked then it was car-repairer posting lobster images as a spectator
+0 / -0
and here we have it


And car-repairer (a zero k admin) is posting spectator images of lobsters in a game. Nice..
+0 / -0
Reported for breaking the COC for not respecting other players.
+0 / -3
8 years ago
he made such picture-drawing widget, but any spec can use it.
(to be sure i suggest ban all.)
+3 / -0
8 years ago
but he was in the game as a spectator at the time, seems unlikely that the two things are not connected.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
It was a jumbo shrimp. So are all arthropods off-limits now? Can I draw a crabe? A spider? That's right, spiders are arthropods.
+6 / -0
8 years ago
As an admin you should know better than to use derisive labels using a geme. Is it ok to make a drawing but not ok for Rafal to write words as a player "lobster going to lob"? how is it different? It belies a culture of negativity, and you as an admin should not be encouraging this.
+3 / -0
8 years ago
To Quote CrazieEddie from another post

"Specific words are not against the Code of Conduct. Profanity, obscenity, and cursing is not against the CoC.

What is against the CoC is the following:

bigoted, racist or sexist language
being hostile and abusive

Calling someone a lobster can be hostile and abusive. It depends on the context and on the intent. If you're trying to insult someone by calling them a noob, then it doesn't matter whether you call them a noob, nab, neb, wub, wubster, lobster, or any other idiotic word that some people around here have come up with to try to avoid getting banned for being insulting. Insults and words are not what's banned; insulting people is what's banned."

I was insulted to see your drawing when I resigned....
+0 / -0

8 years ago
You referred to Rafal and CrazyEddie in this thread by using capital letters and when you said my screen name you used lowercase (and you inserted a dash). My screen name clearly starts with a capital letter. Why did you single me out among the three examples? As a personal attack? It's not car-repairer, it's CarRepairer.

When I saw the way you treated me in this thread I came really close to committing suicide. But you just said you were very offended by my harmless picture of a jumbo shrimp so let's call it even.
+9 / -0
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