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Battle plots

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(Team battles, no FFA)

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FIrankAdminAlcur and DErankfxrs on Mini SSM Wide:

USrankKshatriya 1v1 history(Fealthas for scale):
+8 / -0

8 years ago
lol @ Firepluk 's graph xD fluctuating like seismometer during the earthquake
+4 / -0

8 years ago
Thats pretty interesting, mines full of horizontal lines because I dont play for long periods

I think step pattern near the end for me probably represents the monthly tournaments

It's funny how unstable everyones elo is during the time when Randy appeared and shot to the top
+1 / -0

8 years ago
The bold days of U225 SinguRush
+1 / -0

8 years ago
1) Godde is included in the pluk plot
2) Godde's elo pierces the ceiling on that plot, but noone cares anyway
+2 / -0
The bold days of U225 SinguRush

"My commander surrounded and alone atop a pile of his own Reaper wrecks, howling SFIIIREEEEEE as the Shadows close in. Meanwhile somewhere at the back of the map a useless singu stalls it way up to 37% and the !voteresign begins"
+1 / -0
8 years ago
2) Godde's elo pierces the ceiling on that plot, but noone cares anyway
because with no matches since last year there would be little interessting to see
+0 / -1
I'm no more pluk!
+0 / -0

8 years ago
It's funny how unstable everyones elo is during the time when Randy appeared and shot the top

+1 / -0
why downvote, it is true, look at replays list.
name= [Er0]Godde and players > 4 for team games.
Last such team game is 13 months ago. (@B367994) Then comes a 5v4, a 5-minutes-speeddonutlolmatch and one 4v4 (imo only proper team match)
Scrolling further downwards are 8 matches from the 2v2 tourney in 2015 and then everything is already "19 months ago" or more.
Imo what these stats here and in other threads really show is how many players have quit and how little the best players actually played zk.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
The bold days of U225 SinguRush

The big spike is actually during the days of OP Banshee and OP Krow.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
CHrankAdminDeinFreund Can you post a graph of my 1v1 elo?
+0 / -0
Thank you, it looks like my elo was increasing during those times of inactivity. Any idea why?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
It never changed between games, I just chose to only plot "post-battle" points. Otherwise the graphs would only consist of vertical and horizontal lines (Also tried it, but is not nice to read, especially with many players and lines being drawn over each other)

Thus if you see your ELO slowly "rise" during inactivity it just means you won your first game after coming back.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Thus if you see your ELO slowly "rise" during inactivity it just means you won your first game after coming back.

I guess that's kinda obvious, I feel silly now.

+0 / -0

8 years ago
Imo what these stats here and in other threads really show is how many players have quit and how little the best players actually played zk.

It wouldn't be a proper ZK forum thread without an obligatory chunk of knorke negativity.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
without interpretation statistics and graphs are as useless as the colored wiggly lines babies draw on wall with crayons.

also mandatory in every zk thread is an inactive mapfeaturer who last played months ago against someone who also last played months ago but insists that everything is super shortly before being leaving forever.
+0 / -0
If that mapfeaturer comment was aimed at me then it's not very accurate. I only recall ever touching map featuring settings once or twice.

And about interpretation of the above graphs - one of the main things that I find interesting about the 1v1 graph is that a lot of the players there have had very long periods of inactivity (sometimes years), but the majority have still come back, time and time again.

Many of them are inactive right now, but I see no reason why some of them can't come back in the future. I personally would absolutely love to if I find the time among real life duties. It's the best RTS I've ever played and if I had the time I'd find it worth playing even if the community literally consisted of only 10 players. Clearly the situation is not nearly as bad right now.
+0 / -0
A mapfeaturer who does feature or unfeature maps serves no purpose.

I see no reason why some of them can't come back in the future
I see plently reason. Most importantly the question:
Come back to what? Not much left to come back too!

I'd find it worth playing even if the community literally consisted of only 10 players.
Does not matter if it 'would be be worth playing.' If playercount goes so low then it becomes increasingly unlikely to encounter other online players.
zK wanted exponential growth, more players to attract more players, instead got exponentional shrinkage.
Bit strange to keep telling how you are totally fine with 10 players after zK had aimed for thousands of players and in turn lost hundreds. For 10 players it did not need this steamdream shit.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
I'm still missing your point. Like, what are you actually trying to achieve? Negativity and criticism are of value when they are used as a tool to make things better or help others do that. It seems to me like you don't really expect your criticism to change anything, so I really don't see the point.

It all reminds me of a subreddit of a show I used to watch, it's called The Big Bang Theory. It's no secret some of the later seasons were worse than the earlier ones. Many stopped watching the show (like I and several of my friends). However, a small, but extremely vocal minority kept watching the show or at least posting on the subreddit and constantly whining about how bad it had gotten.

I don't read the subreddit often, but from what I hear the same few users keep posting whine threads and posts about how atrocious the show is and much they hate it. There seems to be no rationality in their behaviour, just mere pissyness about something they used to like, but grew to dislike. It is mindboggling how some just can't move on and be involved with something they actually don't dislike instead of focusing on trying to make everything around themselves as pissy and negative as they are. Believe it or not, there are still people who actually like the show. Why not just let them enjoy it?

This applies to ZK as well. Every single game dies out some day. Nothing is eternal. To me it seems more rational to just enjoy it while it lasts (I wish I had the time) or simply move on to other things (if I didn't enjoy it any more) rather than be miserable myself and try to make others miserable too about lowering player numbers.

However, I see this discussion is going nowhere.
+1 / -0
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