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Being banned and abused by Klon

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So DErankKlon is constantly threatening me with punishments and bans me for literally nothing based on his personal bias towards me

we had a 3v3 game, I got my com killed and my position ruined, didn't see the reason to continue so I resigned which pissed of the DErankKlon (sadly he had a ban hammer)

hence he banned me

Same happened before this, I got a one day ban because I resigned in the time DErankKlon did not like
Since when Klon can dictate when someone should resign and when not?
Please note there was no abuse from my side, I played a game, I tried to contribute, I got countered, I resigned as this particular game was no longer fun for me

Some chat logs with Klon


Where is the logic guys?
Getting banned for reporting an abuse, seriously?
Getting banned without providing a legit reason?


P.S. nice forum ban too DErankKlon but I know how 2 use vpn
+2 / -1

8 years ago
I feel that's not about this particular game, but about a longer game history and pattern. Today Chesti made a rant about that behaviour and it culminated in action. You keep playing high-risk high-reward plays, harras your teammates with frequent resign votes and other comment abuse and always refuse to cooperate. People playing with you keep being frustrated and feel trolled because of that behaviour. When your high-risk high-reward play does not work out, you just quit resigning leaving your team under-manned and handicapped.

My guess would be that alltogether got you banned, not today's game. And I'm sure that Klon wouldn't act today if Chesti didn't insist.
+5 / -0
8 years ago
People playing with you keep being frustrated and feel trolled because of that behaviour.
If playing with him is so frustrating then why do the peoplers not simply go to a different room
+0 / -0
8 years ago
If playing with him is so frustrating then why do the peoplers not simply go to a different room

1 room culture
+1 / -0
also he'd just follow them (unless you kick him and/or set up a passworded room, both of which are problematic)

the only sense in which I feel this moderation action against Firepluk is inappropriate is that it is neither soon enough nor long enough
+1 / -0
I like high risk strategies.. Otherwise playing your X thousandth big teams game can be rather boring. What's the point in getting the CA, having all the reclaim or ecoing the enemy to its death. You have done that a billion times.

But I also understand that some players, especially those not having played a lot of games, would like to play "normal clusterfuck". Just to show the difference: Firepluk has played 10 times as many games as ATrankhokomoko (That's the same factor as ATrankhokomoko -> @zenfur )

Can we have a high risk/experimental host(Or repurpose the pointless Serious Host into that)? I'd love to try out more fun strategies but sadly that's not allowed in current public play. If you think there's not gonna be anybody playing there: Room culture will prove otherwise - You just have to seed a room when there's nobody online and eventually, as people slowly come online and join the only populated room, whole zk playerbase will be there.

This would also clearly mark the other hosts as non-experimental and thus make it easier to punish for failing your team repeatedly.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
I think the issue is being oversimplified a bit there - I don't inherently dislike high risk strategies, but in combination with them being applied systematically, predictably, with utter disregard for the opinions or desires of teammates, and regular textual abuse of said teammates to boot
+6 / -0

8 years ago
If playing with him is so frustrating then why do the peoplers not simply go to a different room

Because Firepluk would follow and continue trolling there...
+0 / -0
regular textual abuse

I'm completely on your side there, nobody should feel harassed. I think it would be nice if more people would directly tell the mischief instead of only doing reports which delays the feedback. Anyway I'm not criticizing mutes here. Give perma mute if you feel the need.

Regarding his experimental/suicidal tactics. I actually enjoy playing with him, even if he's doing dumb things sometimes. Or to be more precise: It's boring to play big teams without him or svato online(And I usually don't play Big Teams if none of them is). I know there's Klon who somehow managed to never lose interest in competitive big teams but I just can't find enjoyment trying my hardest to make a team of ten win.(This might be different if the whole team consisted of friends/clanmembers, which is just not the case. Because even if you ban all Pluks there will be newbies who can either aggressively spam hermits or build a zenith in their base, which, although unintentional, is just as balance breaking as trolling) IMO there's no point trying to create a competitive community outside of Platinum (zenfur shows that for dedicated players the ELO limit is not an issue). I would prefer if admins used their powers to ELO split big games, giving us some good games. Banning pluks doesn't improve game quality for me. (If it does for you, go enjoy some big team games now)
+2 / -0

8 years ago
While I've never played with Firepluk, I have casted a few of their tournament games, and yeah, the criticism isn't unfair, but the issue is the resigning more than anything. If it was "high-risk strategy fails -> try to rebuild with teammate support and keep going" it wouldn't be anywhere near as bad as "high-risk strategy fails -> ditch game".
+6 / -0
If it was "high-risk strategy fails -> try to rebuild with teammate support and keep going" it wouldn't be anywhere near as bad as "high-risk strategy fails -> ditch game".

Yeah. I've stated many points in my first post, not only this and I can't stress enough that they need to be looked at all of them together. Essentialy it's like: "I'm gonna play to have fun, because I'm bored. I don't care what my team thinks about it. I disregard them, their opinion and I'm gonna talk shit when I feel like. Oh, looks like it didn't work out? Resign Maybe next time. I didn't care about lobsters in my team anyways. Maybe looking at them how do they loose 4v5 without their highest elo member will be more entertaining."

That's the attitude that I despise. Not "I'm gonna try something fun" or make an exotic play part. The part that follows after that.

@edit: Also wanted to add: I don't despise Firepluk as a person. Sometimes I enjoyed his crazy plays and playstyle. Hell sometimes I've even donated metal for his comdrop transporter and went with him. But those were the times when he wasn't whining, spamming "gg", resign vote or harrasing others (esp. noobs) for their incompetence.

+3 / -0

8 years ago
lelele cooked
+4 / -0
The irony is that DErankKlon also kicks for NOT resigning early enough.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
Firepluk isn't any fun to play with.
+1 / -1
I guess next time I'm gonna stay after the fail(if any), doing "impossible efforts" with my troll tech so that you'd wish I had resigned already
But you know what? I won't :P
+1 / -0
The irony is that DErankAdminKlon also kicks for NOT resigning early enough.

Confirmed. 2 weeks ago PLrankRafalpluk was kicked by DErankKlon for refusing to resign from game.

Rafal wanted to make a good last standing, he and the team confronting him had fun(I was in that team),
but apparently DErankKlon had no fun because he was in Rafal's team and he already had resigned and was pissed of by the fact he had to wait the game ending

Please note, it was a kick using admin rights and not votekick


+0 / -0

8 years ago
The "jaded vet who stopped caring years ago and just amuses himself" schtick isn't necessarily bad, you can make it work, but much like the "lovable asshole" you have to make it funny or people will just hate you.

And you should consider all your bans cumulative at this point. Anyone could go sift through the logs and find all the times you berated a newbie or acted like an asshole and have enough material for another ban or two. It's not done because people don't bother to report you and sifting through the logs is a boring, thankless job. So I have a hard time caring about the minutia of your complaints.
+6 / -0
8 years ago
And I'm sure that Klon wouldn't act today if Chesti didn't insist.

well at least he got his "reward" as well, so it's not all wasted :P

I guess on this point you may lock this funky thread as you always do,
*calling the thoughts police*
+0 / -0
Confirmed. 2 weeks ago PLrankNapoleonRafalpluk was kicked by DErankAdminKlon for refusing to resign from game.

Rafal wanted to make a good last standing, he and the team confronting him had fun(I was in that team),
but apparently DErankAdminKlon had no fun because he was in Rafal's team and he already had resigned and was pissed of by the fact he had to wait the game ending

you missed to mention the fact that the game was lost way beyond recovery, and then suddenly everything makes sense. you should not waste or otherwise ruin peoples time by resigning too early or too late or not at all. there are also other ways to waste peoples time, like troll arguments.
+1 / -0
+3 / -0
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