Infrastructure changes include
get latest Zero-K lobby to play
there are no more "springies", instead each battleroom has their capabilities
when hosting, you pick the game type (chickens, teams, FFA etc)
friend and ignore lists are stored in server (and were reset)
fixed lots of Zero-K lobby and springie issues
Please check !help for new commands.
You can easilly change engine, game (incl. rapid tag) etc. of your room without any "rehost"
Use !game zk:dev to host local $VERSION for debugging/developing purposes.
This change simplified code base significantly (-13 000 lines), fixed lots of bugs and makes future changes easier.
Matchmaker will also take advantage of the known game types, and corresponding matchmaker games can be optionally offered to idlers in rooms.
Other changes
boxes were removed from lobby (defined inside maps)
you can only set your team in lobby when its not running and is not managed - your team reflects actual in-game team in lobby
!type command allows you to switch between teams, ffa etc modes
all battle room commands lost "vote" variant, instead vote is auto offered where applicable
ZKL fixes include: missions failing, download progress bars missing, fullscreen/spring interference, battle bar not updating