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Roach cannon?

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8 years ago
Does Sumo/Newton still fire roaches extremely fast?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
+3 / -0
Missile silo needs an impulse missile. Or hey, just add massive impulse to Quake! While at it, add an impulse cannon to Surfboat so it can throw/shoot/eject its payload onto an island or another target.
+0 / -0
Sumo needs Throw AI, so it can pull things towards itself, use the momentum to make it fly over it and then switch to push and throw the poor thing out of the map.

Also, speaking of pushing things around, Singu could use less direct DMG, but much (5 times?) stronger black hole, so it throws things around (most of the time killing them anyway) or crushing int oeach other in the center of hte hole. FTW Physics.
+4 / -0
Skasi, quake getting impulse was proposed multiple times before, yet ignored since. nobody knows what a quake is anyway.
+4 / -0

8 years ago
What would make most sense would be units getting impulse based on their displacement from the terraform. So anything in a ditch would get flung into the air, while anything on a mound would slam into the ground.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
What would make most sense would be units getting impulse based on their displacement from the terraform. So anything in a ditch would get flung into the air, while anything on a mound would slam into the ground.

While I don't think units take damage when terrain is raised by quake, they do now take fall damage when a spire is quaked out from under them.

Discussions about adding impulse to quake basically concluded that, in order to be useful it'd need to be able to throw crabes around, and if given that much power it'd be OP compared to tacnuke.

Also, speaking of pushing things around, Singu could use less direct DMG, but much (5 times?) stronger black hole, so it throws things around (most of the time killing them anyway) or crushing int oeach other in the center of hte hole. FTW Physics.

Singu's black hole is strong enough to throw dantes off the map sometimes. Personally I think it'd be cooler if:

1. The radius were larger.
2. The damage/impulse falloff were steeper.
3. The duration were longer (maybe half that of placeholder; right now it's almost instant).

Which would give a greater impression of things getting sucked in, with things further away taking longer to die and being dragged more slowly.
+2 / -0

Singu's black hole is strong enough to throw dantes off the map sometimes. Personally I think it'd be cooler if:

1. The radius were larger.
2. The damage/impulse falloff were steeper.
3. The duration were longer (maybe half that of placeholder; right now it's almost instant).

It would be cooler if it killed a Scallop by crashing it into another Scallop at insanely high velocity, ratehr than simply killing it with explosion. yaawn

The problem is, this woudln't affect buildings.

Maybe then... Dying singu would create a very powerfull black hole measuring around 3/4 of current Singu explosion, and powerfull enough to move (but not throw) a Detri, which would stay for 15 seconds, attracting and throwing units (and matter) around. After those 15 seconds it would (realse all the matter and) explode, with standard singu explosion, killing buildings in vicinity. Perfect realisticlish blackholish thing. After all, Singu keeps a black hole inside of its white ball, doesn't it?

Shame I can't code it myself ^^
+1 / -0
While at it make it so Singu explosions overdrive nearby windgens. Similarly Nuke explosions should overdrive nearby Solars.

Shame I can't code it myself ^^

Just copypaste Placeholder stuff and change around some numbers. Pretty sure you should be able to figure that out in two days (eg a free weekend).
+0 / -0
May be tearing away of blades from wind generators? Or starting to burn...
+0 / -0
The Scrin superweapon from tiberium wars was basically simple damage, but it looked pretty cool because it applied this shader (and maybe actual particle effects?) that caused buildings to look like they were crumbling and getting sucked into the wormhole bit by bit.

Sadly, opengl and glsl are even less available than just lua and config skills. Though i guess with Spring's ability to manipulate piece projectiles, and most explosions in ZK generating pieces, which are projectiles, something similar can be made without glsl.
+0 / -0