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Don't resign

12 posts, 830 views
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8 years ago
when nuking

If a team resign while the enemy is nuking, can we let the game go to the shiny?
This will make Firepluk happy and one can get the apocalyptic award.

Otherwise, resign!
+0 / -0
Don't resign...
  • When finished bantha
  • When dropped jack into singuhole
  • When teammate wishes good lobloblob
  • When reapers breached front line
  • When krow survived first run
  • When hearing merl while being stunned
  • When spotting djinn behind singufarm
  • When screamer got instagib by CZrankAdminLicho
  • When finished arad farm and seeing it's now arad
+1 / -0
8 years ago

Why do people resign repeatedly? Do they have a mindset of: "Oh that failed, can't try again" !Resign?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Cause Zk is a highly competitive RTS,if a high risk tactic fails ur pretty much screwd if your opponent is capabable,u can try sure,but why bother when u can just resign?
+0 / -0
8 years ago
why bother when u can just resign?

Why bother playing if you can just resign? Why join a match in the first place if you cba to play? Why play ZK if you don't want to?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
ikr?! its kinda anti climatic too ,for example:
u finaly get to break a defensive line only for the enemy to resign as soon as u do that,they dont try to build an army to stop you or slow ur progress down they just give up,it makes your efforts feel pointless like a phyric victory u dont really feel like the winner.

But this topic is pretty subjective to ones pov,its about how tenacious every person is.EVERYBODY wants to win they no longer have the patience too lose
+0 / -0

8 years ago
If you want this to come into effect you'll have to start voting no to resign votes during the "anticlimatic" end.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
@_Shaman that doesn't stop games from ending up in a 6 v 10 or worse.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Delay the game exit by 30 seconds after !resign pass.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
The delay might a good idea, and give time to explain to your "non-experienced" teammates that maybe the just finished detri/starlight can win the game. I have seen a couple of hilarious resigns where the team with higher eco and more units resigns because some people don't look at the map and then after, in lobby chat, they say "oh, did not see that..."
+0 / -0
8 years ago
It is incredibly rude to blame your teamates for your loss in most cases, unless teammate deliberately killed your units.
As for resign, look if your teamate has stuff he can win with, and don't resign because 10 ravagers got through the front lines.
This mindset:
"Porcing an invicible defense"
*Hermit spam arrives*
"Pfft. I can kill that easy!"
*Infiltrator stuns Stinger*
*Hermits run through*
"Wtf no way. BS, teammates u suk"
+2 / -0
unless teammate deliberately killed your units
, including kills by auto-fire of Catapult/Tremor,
or performed reclaim of expensive units which you asked not to reclaim, or forced reclaiming of units being resurrected, or blocked your units/turrets, or wasted space of a small spot (built some almost useless shit where you planned to place some highly useful building/unit).
+0 / -1