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ability to set units uncontrolled

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8 years ago
Because sometimes i needed to exactly drop/throw away them (even if i have teammates to give units to, i may want to drop instead of giving/sharing).
+0 / -0
8 years ago
+0 / -1
8 years ago
How 2 selfdestruct?
+0 / -1
(even if i have teammates to give units to, i may want to drop instead of giving/sharing)

Code of Conduct - http://zero-k.info/Wiki/CodeOfConduct

Do not grief. Do not teamkill. Do not try to make your team lose. Do not sabotage your team or any of your teammates. Do not do things in a game just to cause problems for other players. Do not deliberately play poorly in order to ruin the game. Note that using strategies or tactics that others disagree with is not griefing and is allowed, as long as you are attempting in good faith to play well and are not trying to ruin others' enjoyment of the game.

In other words, you are obliged to give/share your units to your allies if you wish to resign but they wish to go on playing.
+4 / -0
8 years ago
Cause annoying.
Great rule of conduct though, it allows leeway, as it is only intentional killing and not accidental singularity rush explosion
+0 / -0
8 years ago
I don't do what is in quote. There are another reasons why i may need to drop (not self-destruct).
+0 / -0
For what reasons would you need to have your units sit uncontrolled rather than give them to allies when you quit a game?
+0 / -0

Do not try to make your team lose. Do not sabotage your team or any of your teammates. Do not do things in a game just to cause problems for other players.

Have yo uever been the top elo guy during 10v10 clsuterfuck and with 5 random laggers/droppers/afkers in your team?

Giving random units is both sabotaging, troublemaking and probably is leading to loss of team, becasue distracts otehr's attention fro mwhat they are actually doing.
+1 / -0
Because sometimes i needed to exactly drop/throw away them

To drop units:
To throw away units: (+ optional )
+2 / -1

8 years ago
Have yo uever been the top elo guy during 10v10 clsuterfuck and with 5 random laggers/droppers/afkers in your team?

Giving random units is both sabotaging, troublemaking and probably is leading to loss of team, becasue distracts otehr's attention fro mwhat they are actually doing.

IIRC the AFK 'give' function gives to the highest elo player present on the team right?
+0 / -0
Indeed, taht's what I said. What's your point? If top elo guy have units give/take away spam then its good?
+1 / -0
it is less sabotaging to give your units to ally than to self-D or leave them uncontrollable by team?
+1 / -0
Personally I think lag/afk sharing should spread units across multiple players. Example:
Units of 1st afk/lagger are shared to #1 non-afk/lagging elo player
Units of 2nd afk/lagger are shared to #2 non-afk/lagging elo player
Units of 3rd afk/lagger are shared to #3 non-afk/lagging elo player

There's a few extra situations that'll need to be handled though. Example:
If 1st afk/lagger comes back, will 2nd afk/lagger's units be given from #2 to #1 elo player?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
If you just simply quit the game (by closing the game window, or choosing resign / exit from the menu), you end up giving all your units to your team.

To self-destruct units, like when you have a building frame in the way of mex spots, select the units and press ctrl+d. It will take 5 seconds for the self destruct to work, and you can cancel it meanwhile with another ctrl+d . Self-d is also useful for roaches, ticks, and other bomb units, since you can time their explosions. Otherwise they would auto-explode when near enough to enemies.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Alternatively you can reclaim them.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
How big is the explosion? And how strong?
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Different for every unit. If I remember correct holding down X+Space shows explosion radius for some or even all selected buildings/units. That might require a widget or option toggle though, not sure.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
It makes no sense as to why you wouldn't give your units, as it most beneficial and having them uncontrollable only damages your team.
Don't be sad to teamates, give units if ur gonna leave.
+0 / -0