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fuck the jugglar

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12 years ago
Seriously WTF man, nearly every game while i am in a game today half the team gets kicked to another room.

Or a game starts, then suddenly another game will load, which has now been going on for about 2-3 hours now?

So yeah fuck your jugglar.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Also there is a massive bug that can be exploited because of this. When you rejoin the game that you got juggled from, it counts you as a spec so when you join "your commander is given back to you" but you can see both sides lol.

Optimus ky my friend who i play with, experinced this many times as me and him would either get juggalled to another game and when we rejoin we can see both sides lol.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
it moves the entire team! like seriously!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I saw two games being destroyed by juggler today now, it juggled two big games just after start so those two games had to be exited.
Disable this untested juggler for team games if you wanna keep players happy.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I don't think it should move people without their consent to be honest. It a really annoying feature that was made to make "more games" but people don't want to be moved around like cattle.

+0 / -0
12 years ago
IIRC, springlobby is juggler-proof?
+0 / -0
notalobby is juggler-proof, too.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
It's just a little bug that will be fixed sooner or later. Calm down everyone, that's no biggie. Just use private rooms meanwhile!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I have not yet been juggled into a game I prefer. If I wanted to play a different game I'd join a different host.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Y'know, I love the idea of the juggler. I'm its ideal customer - I'll play any gametype but I have definite preferences. I'm perfectly okay with being taken from game X and put in game Y. I try to use it as intended.

And I hate it.

I get dumped into a game with a razor-thin margin needed to start (IE a "Small Teams" server with only 4 players) and then a player or two drops, and the game I came from? That one just started and I missed the boat.

Or I get thrown into a 1v1 game constantly when I have that listed as my only "+1" when my preferred gametype (FFA +3) has never come up.

Moving players proactively is a necessary feature for this thing to work... but it also means you'll get a lot of rage if it fails.

So stop failing.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It fails so hard. People get moved and they rejoin the room.Also I prefer big game battles. I don't prefer it moving me to another room called "big game battles" and me ending up in a 2 vs 2 or something because people keep rejoining the room where their "friends" or "clan mates" are for example and this just creates a massive cycle of BS that drives you bonkers.

If you want the rooms to spread around more, I would make the juggler a constent only thing (make sure it offers only when we are not a in a game ffs) and lastly put a limit on small/medium rooms to stop people from joining and leaving.

+0 / -0

12 years ago
Moving players proactively is a necessary feature for this thing to work

No, it's not.

Here are two different ways that matchmaking discovery could be implemented without moving players proactively.

1) Potential matches are discovered and offered to players for them to accept or decline. If enough players accept the match, then the accepting players are moved to the new battleroom. If not enough players accept, then nobody is moved.

2) Same as above, except instead of offering matches the system offers probable matches, and players who accept the offer are always moved. If not enough players accept, then those that are moved can wait in the new battleroom while the system continues to find new players to offer the match to, until eventually either the match is filled or the players in the room decide to start playing even though they're short.

Either one will be better than waiting around for the current battle to finish (the result without juggler). And it will be less despised by players for moving them without warning and without consent (the result with juggler today).
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I agree. Jugglar should be used mainly on those waiting for a game to finish.
+0 / -0
A polite juggler would be worthless. You've seen how few players vote in a server? That's how many would respond to Juggler requests.

Juggler must be aggressive. It just also must be *perfect*, or the aggression it displays will just be frustrating and stupid.

And it sure as hell ain't perfect.

But yes, focusing on players waiting for a game to finish would be a good priority. Being aware of which maps all players have before juggling them would be awesome, although I don't know it's possible - there's nothing worse than being juggled into a game, finding out we can't start because one player will be downloading the map for the next 10 minutes, and then missing the start for the old battleroom.

I don't get why we have this long delay between battles but the Juggler doesn't provide us with a way to get back to those battles - you can be juggled-out into a game that fails to start, but then miss the start of your old game too. Then you're stuck with 3 guys who don't want to play FFA. It's ridiculous that we're all "ooooh, you have to wait another 90 seconds for break"... but "hey, I just took a chance and tried to split this game into two games. Y'know what? I'll just assume that worked perfectly! You guys go ahead and start!"
+0 / -0
12 years ago
You can have an aggressive juggular by using popups instead of the chat console.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
There is no communication protocol for pop-ups, sadly.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It doesn't need a communication protocol for pop-ups. There's a communication protocol for player move requests (actually, there's two - one used by ZKL, and one used by SL, and they hate each other). The client simply has to recognize the request to be moved and display it as a pop-up.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Its now fixed.

The command for SL does not work at all yet because it needs server change which nobody did..

Weblobby works.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I think juggler should ask to move, but with a popup and a sound. That way afkers and alt-tabbers (pretty much everyone whose waiting for a game, right?) notice and can act before others get tired of waiting and decline the game.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
> Also there is a massive bug that can be exploited because of this. When you rejoin the game that you got juggled from, it counts you as a spec so when you join "your commander is given back to you" but you can see both sides lol.

Either you are spec - and have resigned/be not in team anymore - or you play. LOL fail implementation of !spec.
+0 / -0
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