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Juggler is this close to making me want to quit

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12 years ago
I am this close to quitting zero K because of the juggler. I want to play with certain "players" I don't want to be juggled to a room full of newbies.

Also if im waiting for a game to start and it moves moves me to another and it starts. GUESS WHAT? i am not going to play and im going to leave.

I don't think juggler has ever made me go "thank god for juggler" it sent me to a room i already knew about.

I think a much better idea would to tell people a game is about to start and if they would like to be moved to it.

I don't like juggler moving me from room to room like im some whore to be shared around.
+0 / -0
If you want to play with "certain "players" ", you should open
a new host. In Zero K Lobby its easy, simply click "open new".
after that you can advertise your host with a battlelink
--> spring://@join_battle:"hostbotname".
+0 / -0

12 years ago
as far as i understand it you can "disable" the mighty jug when you close the "chose stuff" bar at bottom...

for private games i quote logicfreak here.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Juggler is never open and also its well known that players only play in offical rooms or do i feel the need to adverise my own room.

+0 / -0
I want to play with certain "players"
You have to be in the same clan as them, then juggler and Springie put you together.

I don't want to be juggled to a room full of newbies.
You ain't. You always get to play with the best of the best in your team.

Also if im waiting for a game to start and it moves moves me to another and it starts.
You wait for a game to start and it starts. Isn't that what you want?

GUESS WHAT? i am not going to play and im going to leave.

I think a much better idea would to tell people a game is about to start and if they would like to be moved to it.
That doesn't work. It's explained in a dozen other juggler-discussion-threads.

I don't like juggler moving me from room to room like im some whore to be shared around.
You join a to-be-juggled room, so you're juggled. Stupid simple. It's like eating ice cream when you don't like it and complaining afterwards - your own fault.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Ok so I am in a room with lots of cool players. I want to play with them again. I am not going to ask them all to move room again. I am just simply going to play with them again but juggler likes to split people up for no apparrant reason.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Aside from clan considerations it splits by elo and to stop games getting retardo-huge, to give everyone a hopefully more enjoyable game.

I'm going to stress EVERYONE here, 'cause I'm guessing the "cool players" don't have 1260 elo, which is why you get moved to the newbie rooms instead. You might enjoy playing with them, but for them the game is probably much better with players more on their own level.
+0 / -0
It's funny. I've resorted to NOT using the ZK lobby anymore because of the Juggler. If I want 15 people in a VS AI lobby, I'm not going to take shit from the Juggler. I'll just boot up some other lobby and join through that.

Don't you just love a feature that's so off-putting that it makes you use a different program to play the game. Bypassing all the crap?
This is a reason why people make cracks for games.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Licho should just make Springie kick stuff that does not support jugglers. :-/
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Juggler just re-moved me back to the same game vs 2 newbies when I tried to go spec the full small teams game.

Can it save spec state between games? Just because I join a room does not mean I want to play. I understand that it's full, but I'm not going to play vs 2x ~1300.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Just click spec twice. I've had the problem of the first time not working properly too.
+0 / -0
I feel that this community is to small for a juggler to work
This is one of the reasons why I havn't played in a while if anyone was wondering
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Who are you? :)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Janitor is confused Skasi.
Juggler moves people with all lobbies :)

Only difference is that Janitor cannot turn it off or set its preferences. With zero-k lobby you can.
+0 / -0
If the juggler is off (no bar in ZKL) it wont move you to other games.

However it still can:
1) split too big game to two smaller or merge 2 smaller games into one bigger
2) move you to another same type room if you are not spec and not ingame

If you dont like this service, open a new room yourself.

Personally I just open quickmatch menu and just wait until game starts, dont care if it moves me. It tries to keep me with my clan and game with my elo level.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Right now I removed 2).

It means that if your juggler bar is off and yoou joined a room which is "ingame" you wont be moved ever. You can only be moved if room is not ingame and it needs to split/merge it.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Juggler seemed to be working pretty well for me. Occasionally there is some bizarre behavior though. Like yesterday, we were in small teams because we wanted to play small teams, but the room got up to a 7v7 so we passed a !votesplit that split it into a two small teams, 3v3 and 4v4. Which was perfect, except juggler re-merged us almost immediately.

So there are some weird quirks in its behavior. Report bugs in its behavior because the more it improves the better it is for everybody.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
New max for "Small" is 7v7. Medium was removed.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The UI says 4v4 is the upper-limit to "small"... I assume the UI is wrong?
+0 / -0
New max for "Small" is 7v7. Medium was removed.

This is ax crazy. How is 7x7 "small"!? Moreover, since "big" is 5x5+, a game can be "small" and "big" at the same time. I call dinosaurs.

Of course i'm talking it personal here. I like 2x2, i tolerate 3x3 and 4x4. But in no way i'd ever want to be juggled into a 7x7. So, together with "medium" and "big" team games, i now have to set "small" teams to Never too, completing the set, and leaving only 1x1 and ffa.
+0 / -0
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