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Title: MatchMaker 1296
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.6.4.36
Engine version: 104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc
Battle ID: 498954
Started: 6 years ago
Duration: 60 minutes
Players: 2
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Competitive
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Team 1
Chance of victory: 22.3%

Team 2
Chance of victory: 77.7%


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6 years ago
I don't know how to deal with shield units.
+1 / -0
I've looked the replay and here are my notes:
1. Early game you should have been a bit more aggressive. Lack of aggression made it possible for RUrankplayerO1 to establish defense strongholds and build up shields.
2. You pretty much owned the whole map, but closer to the middle of the game your opponent had more metal than you due to fact that he (over-)invested into overdrive and you didn't. Claiming metal extractors is always more efficient than making energy buildings for overdrive, but once you run out of the metal spots, you can capture easy, there is a need to upgrade your economy. Two main sources are reclaiming battlefield wrecks and overdriving your mexes.

As far as shields are concerned there are several ways to counter them. First of all big shields require energy to charge up to maximum value, once they are charged they don't consume extra energy and thus excess energy goes into overdrive. Therefore first thing you want to do is to make them charge endlessly. How? Usually artillery or snipers. Arti will either kill or drain charge, so your opponent will be forced to construct new energy sources or divert energy from overdrive to shield charging. Every factory has some means to bombard shields. It can be a bit better or a bit worse. That said, some units are exceptionally good at draining or killing shields: Tremor - saturation artillery, Emissary - heavy artillery (both available from Tank Foundry), Racketeer - disarming artillery (available from Shieldbot Factory), Merlin - available from Strider Hub.

Your opponent might build Cerberus under the shields. Cerberus comfortably outranges any mobile artillery units. In that case you need to destroy cerberus first. What most people do is they build a Missile Silo outside of Cerberus range and queue Shockley (EMP missile) and several EoS (tactical nuke). EMP missile disables shields and tactical nuke blows up Cerberus. You can also send some Inferno missiles to slowly burn everything what was under the shields, including shield units themselves (shields will be down due to being stunned by EMP missile). If you feel like this is too complicated, you can just build Trinity - a strategic nuke launcher and blow everything up. Beware, a nuke can be intercepted if your opponent has Antinuke facility.

You can also try other superweapons, like a bunch of big bertas, meteor controller, starlight, disco rave, etc. But I'd like to remind what I wrote in the beginning, in order to afford these you need to scale your economy up. Remember: if you own most of the map (metal extractors), scale your economy, reclaim wrecks and don't waste metal there is no way someone sitting behind the shields will be able to outgrow you economically.

The list of means to beat shields, I put here, is not comprehensive, I've just listed the most obvious ones. ZK has deep game mechanics: the more you play - the more you learn.

Good luck.
+3 / -0