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metal bar slider is confusing (or bug)

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12 years ago
I made one wrong click and then nothing was building. and we lost.

cake was spilled over this outrage.

At ~5:00 all construction (units from factory, llt and geo) stops and it becomes impossible to continue building or make new things. (eg vehicle factory)
See middle left of map or left factory in bottom base.

Appearently that happens if you use the "reserve slider", which I accidently clicked. (i assume)
(would have never figured out without being told, still do not know what excactly it reserves for?) engine resbars have a tooltip "click to set autoshare level", something like that is needed.

Anyway, tooltip says "470 reserve" but since I have 1k/1k metal stored there should be 530 unreserved metal to use?

Also why does it set a reserve and not allow me to build but still shares -16.4 to team?

seems in replays, if you select a new player while the game is paused, the resbars do not update to show his eco. They only update if the game is running.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
>would have never figured out without being told, still do not know what excactly it reserves for?

Reserve metal can only be used by morphing units or by constructors with a priority set to high.

For example, sometimes when I am compushing I will leave 200 or so metal in reserve with his build priority on high. If my com finds himself in a scary situation, he can quickly build a stardust, hacksaw, or razor without having to worry about stalling.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
You're right, this is not well documented. It's a useful feature though for those who find out about it.

Sorry about your cake.
+0 / -0
ok, it might be usefull then but does not explain why it did not use the free metal.
and when the storage is full, it should always be possible to use the metal that overflows.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Because of energy,it also reserves energy at same level ..
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Then it needs to draw the slider in the energybar, too.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I think it shoul not reserve energy at all because it makes it too easy to avoid crippling stall (if you have the knowledge)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
What would be the point of reserving metal but not energy, since you need equal amounts of both to build something?
+0 / -0
Just dont mess this really great feature horribly, because one newb failed to understand it(refering to simple colors change on the map).

It should store E too because then you couldnt power cloaker or something and sometimes it is critical.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Artificial limitations Licho

BTW: why can we reserve more than 90% ?
You always have a unit that leaves the fac and excess a bit if you set it to 100%

The priority settings don't work 100% if you have the slider at 0%

I would block the lower 5% and upper 5% or 10% for the slider (maybe a widget option default=on).

[color=grey]The whole energy distribution system should be reworked so that cloak has a lower priority when no enemy is in sight and a higher priority if it is next to radar dots or visible enemies. Shields should have a lower priority in general, but a higher priority when under 50%.
This priority should be somewhere between low and medium or medium and high. Morph should be somewhere between medium and high, while factories should be low and coms high by default - wind should be 1/2 higher and solars 1/2 lower than the current level. Mexes 1/2 higher.[/color]

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