I made one wrong click and then nothing was building. and we lost.
cake was spilled over this outrage.
At ~5:00 all construction (units from factory, llt and geo) stops and it becomes impossible to continue building or make new things. (eg vehicle factory)
See middle left of map or left factory in bottom base.
Appearently that happens if you use the "reserve slider", which I accidently clicked. (i assume)
(would have never figured out without being told, still do not know what excactly it reserves for?) engine resbars have a tooltip "click to set autoshare level", something like that is needed.
Anyway, tooltip says "470 reserve" but since I have 1k/1k metal stored there should be 530 unreserved metal to use?
Also why does it set a reserve and not allow me to build but still shares -16.4 to team?
seems in replays, if you select a new player while the game is paused, the resbars do not update to show his eco. They only update if the game is running.