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What should the role of the Cyclops be?

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6 years ago
Currently the cyclops seems like a generalist unit:
It's not weak to anything but specialized anti-heavy EMP units, but it's also not really strong against anything (by that I mean able to beat substantially more than its own mass of some type of enemy unit in a standup fight).
It's main asset is the incredibly good survivability with it's ability to retreat, slowing things down that are chasing it.

However, it's called a "tank buster" not a "heavy raider with few counters" or "durable slowing support unit".

Should the name be changed or should its mechanics be changed to reflect what it's real role supposedly is?
+2 / -0
6 years ago
its a very strong unit imho
+0 / -0
I actually feel it should be nerfed altogether; it should be just a big ole tankbuster cannon with no other armnaments, so it needs more than healers to support it. look at the cyclopses in the campaign mission to unlock terraforming, i cant beat it from the eyclops patrol. however, dont take my word as 100% logical, only played singleplayer to date. hope my input helps
+2 / -0

6 years ago
let's not be too hasty here, some people really like the unit a whole lot. Some nerfs are probably in order here, and I suggest buffing it's strengths and nerfing it's weaknesses! if it's such a heavy tank buster, make the tankbuster cannon stronger! with the added weight of course, the ability to move the cannon will be hampered. limit the fire arc of the cannon anywhere from 45-135 degrees from the front, making it a head-first buster blaster that cannot be used to attack anything behind it! retreating from a fight now allows units to freely give chase, and running circles around the cyclopes makes the cannon spin wild unable to swat any pesky flies on it's butt!
+0 / -0
It's already too late. Cyclops got its main cannon buffed. Coming in next patch.

It also lost its slow beam, so it's useless now.
+5 / -0

6 years ago
I say buff other things like the Ultimatum to make Cyclops lose more matchups.

A radical change that can be tried on Cyclops is to change its properties would be to to combine the tank buster cannon sidearm with the main slowing beam by making it one weapon with 1000 damage with 2400 slowing damage with 3.5 reload time.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
one of the worst feelings with the goli is when your cannon fires, then the slow beam fires, and the unit dodges the shot cause it's only moving at half speed. if there's no slow cannon, this interaction is no longer the case(yay!) but it's much worse at hitting any future shots.also goli no longer counters krow???? :C good thing you only need about 1500 in good mobile AA to deter any krows. no slow cannon should mean that more skirmishers can trade better with goli, now thay they can maneuver again. as well as raiders dodgeing shots even better. as well as any unit being able to keep real DPS on it. as well as being able to catch on it when it's retreating.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Did you have a stroke?
If so, I am very sorry.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
who is sick? a stroke?
+0 / -0
"Very heavy tank buster" just a typo, Cyclops and Goliath before it were always the Very Heavy Buster Tank.

TBH the Disruptor Main Gun patch changes nothing here.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
While I don't use Cyclops that much I think its a good unit to round off the tank fac. If it's too strong simply increase build cost some and see if the unit is still as strong. I think that if it cost 2500 it would slow the time it takes for them to appear and limit their numbers a bit as well.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
double damage, double reload?
+0 / -0
6 years ago
nerf range
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Removing the slowbeam and giving the main cannon projectile slow damage is an elegant solution. Keeps it just as strong VS targets it can hit with the main cannon, while nerfing it vs small units that it usually can't.
+3 / -0
Slightly annoyed that few have made much of an attempt to put a finger on any of what its role: was, will be or should be.
Ie. What is a particular Cyclops idea good for? If it's a direct combatant then what units should it be good at killing and which should kill it?

btw: For those looking for a current!Cyclops soft-counter, Ravagers did pretty well in my sandbox (17 ravagers v 2 cyclops lead to 10 ravagers remaining if the cyclops does the sensible thing and kites)

CHrankAdminDeinFreund : After looking at that MR it looks like the canon now does 1000 + 2100S damage, there's no slow beam and it's otherwise unchanged, is this correct?
What will be its role now?

Analysis of change:
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Its strength is its high weight and speed, which allow it to retreat and repair; its enormous alpha and slow dmg, which let it defeat other single powerful units; its range, which lets it avoid getting too close. Its not cost effective HP for HP point, but if it retreats to repair even once its probably now a lot more cost efficient than Ravagers.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Ok, to give you a simple answer for your question:

Just pushing against whatever is in front of it. It should be able to tank as many hits that it can advance in almost all situations. (That does not mean that it needs to kill everything)

Since the slowbeam is the Op factor of Cyclops, without it should be good to break porc. But funfact: half of tank units are good in doing this so... Maybe it is time for a general tank nerf??? Just maybe ;)
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I'd rather see it be an extreme porc buster than a near invincible heavy raider. This implies it should be weak at retreating... The slow beam change seems positive. I quite like the firing arc idea too. I guess it would need some more dps to level things up.

Another thought is give it a lot more armor and a low range weapon. Like a Halberd on steroids to use as a spotter for Emissary?
+0 / -0

6 years ago
@1v0ry_k1ng : Yeah, current Cyclop's ability to go home to repair after fighting at only a slight disadvantage against most unit combinations makes extremely strong.
I think the patch change reduces its fighting ability vs everything (except a handful of expensive, rare units*) while also making it far less likely to be able to retreat, so I don't think you'll be able to raid, do non-trivial damage and successfully retreat with the new cyclops. A handful of glaives could chase it down and murder it pretty easily as it's now essentially a slower and far less cost effective Minotaur.

That's basically what the new Cyclops is isn't it? A slower, longer ranged Minotaur with a bit more HP and damage, several times the cost and some decent anti-shield (and anti-strider) capability.

* I think this is a key point, single powerful units are sufficiently rare in games that having something expensive and essentially only good against Dante/Grizzly is pointless when an actual anti-heavy unit could be made for less cost (and more quickly).
+1 / -0
i liked it the old way.. maybe im old if i say things like that..
+0 / -0
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