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Steam Launch Error (App Running)

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6 years ago
After closing the game, Zero-K still shows as running and am unable to re-launch until after restarting Steam.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
I have the same problem, but i solve it by having zero-k running all the time XD.
+2 / -0

6 years ago
Hi KRrankxGaMjAx, welcome to the forums!

If you're on Windows, you can solve this problem by holding control, shift and pressing escape. This will bring up the windows task manager. From here, click on processes, and find "zero-k.exe" and "spring.exe" in the list. Click on them and press delete then enter.

What's wrong is that sometimes these proccesses don't end themselves properly and you get this error. This should solve your issue.

Best of luck!
+0 / -0
Same shit on linux. If I run
mono Zero-K.exe it runs but when I close ZK application still spamming shit in console
so I guess it continues to run in background trying to send logs or smth(console output is about logs)

+2 / -0
6 years ago
I checked the running processes looking for "spring.exe" or "zero-k.exe" before posting earlier but could not find them. However, it appears the problem is fixed.

And.. is it true they use players' machines for mining? Is this made aware anywhere?
+0 / -0

6 years ago
And.. is it true they use players' machines for mining?

No. Firepluk just thinks he's funny.
+8 / -0

6 years ago
KRrankxGaMjAx it's usually the wrapper program that remains open. Spring itself tends to close.
I don't know about Windows, but on Linux it's usually mono ZeroK.exe or mono Chobby.exe.
This is all a very old bug and I'm surprised devs aren't able to solve this for good.
+0 / -0

No. RUrankFirepluk just thinks he's funny.

ye? got a better explanation why my chobby always eats 1 core even when it's idle and no game is running and every1 is reluctant looking into it? :P
+1 / -0
6 years ago
Hi, I have exactly the same problem but managed to found a "solution" on Windows (8). I guess it has something to do with the steam launcher.
In order to play again you can follow those steps:
1) Open you folder manager
2) go to C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Zero-K
3) Execute the file 'Zero-K.exe'
4) Have fun
Hope this will be usefull
+2 / -0
4 years ago
Bumping to confirm this is still an issue. Nothing restarting can't fix, but that's still rather obtrusive.
+0 / -0
Make sure you close all internet tabs with zero-k.info open

That worked for me.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
ye? got a better explanation why my chobby always eats 1 core even when it's idle and no game is running and every1 is reluctant looking into it? :P

For starters, there's the chat. and look at discord, which lags as much as zk.
you also have the lobby, which can be pretty unoptomised
also there's spring, whcih from what i heard is running in the background as well.

and what about other rts games? i know sc2 has to do a stupid amount of loading just to change menus in the lobby.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Yeah, this seems to happen if your browser is started from zero-k initially. I can recreate this by:

1. Close all browsers.
2. Launch Zero-k
3. Click "Home" in zero-k -- this launches an instance of firefox as "/usr/lib/firefox/firefox https://zero-k.info/?asmallcake="
4. Close Zero-k. The firefox instance will still be running with "zero-k" in its title.
5. Attempt to launch Zero-k -- it will fail.
6. Close firefox.
7. Relaunch Zero-K -- it will succeed this time.

This should be an easy fix by the devs -- it's almost certainly just looking for "zero-k" in the processes list.
+0 / -0
you also have the lobby, which can be pretty unoptomised

There's an optimization for Chobby added recently, but it's not enabled by default. In your lobby settings, you can scroll down and enable "Minimize Lobby Updates". Fingers crossed, your idle CPU usage should drop. It seems Chobby has been trading off some performance to prevent graphics flicker from several years ago, but no one is quite sure if it's needed anymore. Would be good to know if anyone gets UI flicker with that setting enabled.

Yeah, this seems to happen if your browser is started from zero-k initially.

I wonder if the new browser is being launched in a way that it is considered a 'child' process of Zero-K that still needs to be cleaned up to fully close. If that's the issue, maybe there could be a way to ensure the browser launches independently or to track and disown any launched browsers before closing the game?
+0 / -0