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What do you think of the big shield construction Funnelweb?

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5 years ago
It's been a couple of months since the big shield Funnelweb first appeared and a month since it was rebalanced, so I want to hear what people thought of it.

1. Is it fun to use?
2. Is it fun to fight?
3. Does it seem useful?
4. Does it make the game more or less interesting and diverse?
5. Did you prefer the drone Funnelweb?
6. What would you want to change about it and/or what do you dislike about it?
+1 / -0
5 years ago
1. yes it's the ideal weapon against detriment vs other striders. it can hold it's own. with an army against those brutes.
2. i like using with my detriment strategy in ffa or vs a bots. but the truth a lot of players are now missing the drones.
3.it's useful, players like venom and atom made a lot of funnelwebs to make ball of death just like shield bots. but really can funnelweb use another weapon beside drone to make it more useful. weapon like stunner and flamer.
4. funnelwebs are a tie breaker but people still don't use it or don't know how to use it.
5.really give them drones to the people, they like it give them building and drones. it's better that way. people where A custom to it. but making it a shield and building unit did make it too powerful.
6.just restrict some buildings like lucifer, chainsaw and give medium, low end buildings and factories give it only spider factory so it can be balance.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I love the new Funnelweb. It is far more useful, interesting, and balanced. As bonus got rid of a source for the wretched drones, and I hope we can give Reef a drone free re-imagining.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
The new Funnelweb is pretty good, even tho I wish I had used the old one a bit more :P. It's really fun to use, a bit difficult/annoying to fight against 'cause of the inherent strength of porc + shields. It also makes games more interesting, especially FFA, due to how easy it is to rebuild everything and also because it almost feels like a counterpart to athenas.

So overall I think its a good replacement to the original Funelweb.
+0 / -0
1. Is it fun to use?

The supportiveness of its role leaves me wanting for something decisive. The most decisive things it can do are related to terra; i haven't done or seen any really good plays with it except "accrue more goodness by having a fat shield over me".

2. Is it fun to fight?

It's a defensive unit of the damage-preventing kind, kind of like Racketeer; killing one feels less like "yay success" and more like "finally this nuisance is gone".

This is the same kind of thing that annoys me about other damage reduction powers - armor, especially on halberd; long-range accurate disarm (thankfully racketeer is owled); shieldballs; slow.

3. Does it seem useful?

Yes. If nothing else, it defeats Missile Silo.

4. Does it make the game more or less interesting and diverse?

Yes. It's neither oppressive nor useless. I also like its ability to sometimes soften nuclear impacts.

5. Did you prefer the drone Funnelweb?

Old Funnelweb irritates me. I'm literally breaking out in hives while coughing out my lungs in an asthmatic fit even thinking of that. Good riddance.

6. What would you want to change about it and/or what do you dislike about it?

Rez!Funnelweb. Reduce buildpower, limit build options to match Caretaker, add rez. Remove rez from Athena.

Separately, reduce body HP. Getting through its shield and its sidekicks feels like it should reward you with some juicy murdering, but the thing itself is so tanky it feels like fighting a halberd-spider.
+3 / -0
5 years ago
Rez!Funnelweb is good option, besides pheonixes and commanders. Rez is more needed on the battlefield.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Old Funnelweb was kind of fun.

New Funnelweb is freaking awesome.

It's great in team games and has added another layer to the Nux Mini Game within ZK proper. Pre-Funnel, the aim was to build silo and emp anti, GG. That's no longer a given. I'm always losing my commander and Funnel gives me a new unit to push porc with. It's also great against porc, as you can shield units until they are right at the porcline and then unleash them.

It also seperates the pros from the nubs imo. Why? Because it essentially does nothing at a cost of 3500 metal. Time it wrong and you've just done nothing with thousands of metal that should have been either spent pushing with units or making porc with. It generally requires fine judgement to use, at least initially.

Please don't mess around with the unit, it's great.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
I like it.

It does enable some interesting late game plays like ESrankdark_gf's scorpions in formation just inside the funnelweb shield which is a distinctive way of using them or of course the antinuke protection.

Conventional shieldballs benefit from it being a steroid enhanced cross of the convict and aspis. I'm aware of the merits of incorporating convicts into shieldballs for front line reclaim and a bit of shield sharing but the funnel does the front line reclaim better and the area and strength of the shield amply offsets the fact it doesn't actually share shield. And of course it works anywhere above water which is a nice bonus whereas aspis can only go where bots can (plus underwater of course).

The amount of times I've tried to bomb one with Ravens for it to escape at low health is irritating though.

1) Yes
2) Bombing frustration aside, yes. I've blown them up with waves of Snitches in the past. The shield is so huge that stuff can get under it and still be some distance from the escorts and it's also viable to be patient with a Likho to get under the shield to let rip which strikes me as a nice finesse play. The perimeter of the shield also means that unless it is protecting a really huge army, you've got more opportunities to bleed it by forcefiring just inside that perimeter if you need to, which is an important skill against any late game shield ball. If I'm air, I know not to touch a healthy shield ball - but when the aspis/funnelweb turns red, then it's time for a delivery.
3) Yes
4) More diverse and interesting. Supercharged front line builders with high BP and range mean one can grab more of the reclaim in the same space of time. That means a better chance of pushing back even if you do take a beating and lose some initiative. Instant +40 metal once you reach the dining table starts making a difference quicker than 7-8 cons who have to travel from wreck to wreck.
5) I'd like a good drone platform, but not as a replacement to the new funnelweb. Of course that also needs good drones.
6) Its hull could perhaps be a little bit more squishy to make it more vulnerable to direct attack, but doesn't need much of a HP nerf. I think it's in a pretty good place.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
I think they are too good and need to be nerfed :), if u have any heavy units you definitely should have some funnels, my favorite tactics is (like GBrankthe_green_squig said) funnels + scorps + 40 - 60 fleas guarding funnels in circle and 4 - 5 outlaws, and it almost impossible to kill easily, they can hold or kill detri, survive under drp or meteor weapons,
+0 / -0
5 years ago
In my opinion funnelweb is in a decent spot right now.
I mostly use funnelweb as a constructor with shield-sidearm as in midgame any other con dies if you dont permanently pay attention.
The shield is easily shut down if scratched by anything which prevents it from regenerating but you have the chance to run in grab some reclaim and flee with a decent amount of reclaimed metal.

I think funnelweb is just about right and doesnt need any big changes, though i can understand if the hp do drop a bit so it feels a bit more rewarding to actually get trough the shield.

Maybe sth like 4.5k-5.5k is about right (wild assumption without much thought behind)?

+0 / -0
5 years ago
okay you see he started -_- squig guy ;D

I can also give big draft.

6. give funnel web more weapons, for example. i have this idea where the centipede strider could carry more units by a pinzer that can carry units and use thier powers together. same thing can happen to funnelweb 8 legs u can put a fencer each or put a felon that way funnelweb is a carrier type. and moves with an army it has aegis, it has fencer, it has pyro and it can use all the weapons.

short story this isn't long like squid just wanted to point his draft and no one gives A hoot. that u can't understand him -_- but not me u can't understand me but u can understand him gee i wonder -_-.
+0 / -0