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Zero-K Unit Tier List

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Everything I write is my own opinion and is only intended to give an decent overview over the current unit state of Zero-k. Feel free to post a comment if you disagree with parts of this tier list. I made the tier list while keeping in mind the micro skill of at least top 50 players. Some units share multiple categories but I placed them where I thought it makes more sense. If anyone wants this on the wiki, feel free to add it.

S: Core units which are not only great at their intended purpose (role), but are either hard to counter or take over other roles too. These are units you would generally facswitch for.
A: Great units which can easily be used for their intended purpose (role). Sometimes they can take over two roles but are mediocre at both.
B: These units are neither bad nor really good. They are used mostly because you are unable to spend metal for a facswitch.
C: These units underperform compared to most other units. They have some niche situations where they can be used but are rarely build.
D: These units fail at their intended purpose or cost way too much compared to what they can achieve.

Factory overview:

All comparisons are between the same unit class.
1v1 - Small team games (1-4 Players on each team):

Class: Raider

Class: Riot
Riots are in a tough spot atm, while this is a comparison between Riots, I think Riots are kinda in a bad spot compared to other roles atm.

Class: Skirmisher

Class: Assault

Class: Artillery

Class: Special

Class: Air

Class: Gunships

Class: Anti Air (dps is always based on cost here)

Class: Constructor (build power is always based on cost here, e.g. Caretaker has 0.0555)

Class: Strider

Class: Missiles

Useless information:

+40 / -0
you confuse some roles, at least as the designers understand them:
-fencer is not a skirmisher as it cannot kite
-archer is primarily meant to be a riot (and since when it´s rarely built?)

overall really great post.

i dont think the rankings are really useful as there is a lot to consider and the unit-interactions are dependant on numbers, map-size and terrain as well. For example daggers begin to dominate glaives at a certain number (on open, flat maps), while being dominated by glaives as long as the numbers are small... But this kind of depth is really too much for a unit-guide.
+1 / -0

5 years ago

+5 / -0

5 years ago
ye more upvotes pls.

+0 / -0
Fixed Archer, this was a fail from me and there might probably be more, as I worked on it through the night and finished this at 4am.

fencer is not a skirmisher as it cannot kite

Some units share multiple categories but I placed them where I thought it makes more sense.

You are half right on Fencer. If I think about Fencer I definitely use it more often as a Skirmisher then as anything else. And you can kinda kite because of its high movement speed, but this takes some micro management and isn't automated by fight command.
+2 / -0

5 years ago
ye i really think your post is awesome and i really appreciate your work :)
my critique is meant to be purely constructive!
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Good post. There were some things in there I didn't know about (e.g. the thunderbird trick). Only a couple of points I would query:

While I'm not sure it warrants an upgrade for the units that have them, I do think the flex AA capability of shotguns should be noted. Mobs of scallops or Corsairs can wreck quite a few Ravens in my experience and even considerably thin out a swift cloud. Perhaps that's more of a large team perk though.

I do think you overrate the Vandal though. DPS/cost might look good, but if it doesn't actually kill the target before it retreats, it compounds the initial failure to stop the attack run in the first place. At least something with good volley can avenge where it fails to protect. If you know you will lose 2K of Likho to hit me, that makes you a lot a more cautious in using them. Vandals can be almost ignored as you know your bombers and gunships will make it home. Just as well Felon is such good flex AA otherwise shield would be dominated by air.
+2 / -0

5 years ago
btw contact me on mumble if you see me, i would really like to convert his into a unit-guide that can be put on the website.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Now that is a TON of content. Bravo!
+3 / -0

I don't know if I should note the flex AA capability, as nearly any unit (especially riots and raiders) can hit Raven and most riots can hit Swift too, when they are diving. Though it is true that shotgun is especially strong against Ravens with its burst damage.

I myself had Vandal at B tier initially. While it does suck against bombers (which I noted) it does a good job against early-migame Gunships, which is the reason why i let it be A tier instead.

Edit: the more I think about it, Vandal does really feel like B tier so I changed it
+0 / -0
Worktime: about 18h

Wow, that's impressive dedication!

I disagree with Knight and Reaver though, I'd have put Knight as C (unless under Iris, then it's A) and Reaver as B.

Reaver is the purest riot and is the second best (after thuglaw) at the job of destroying raider swarms. The AoE almost doubles the DPS against the unmicrod raiders that are most commonly seen in this game.

Knight is too slow and short ranged to be useful against mobile units and is the least effective assault porc. The best assault, the Ravager, can punch through enemy lines, outracing defending forces to do economic damage or retreating after they've done their work.
+3 / -0
5 years ago
Ooooh, data! I love this.

I've arranged the summary into a spreadsheet, arranged by facslot:

+2 / -0

5 years ago
I'm surprised Kodachi is only B tier. When microd it can outrun other raiders (leaving behind plenty of fire) and do incredibly high amounts of eco damage.

I once made the entire enemy team resign with a single Kodachi! :D
+2 / -0
5 years ago

It is pretty hard to make an accurate tier list without being influenced by your own experience and being comfortable with other types of units.

While I rated Knight (a very low) B, Knight can actually fight against Raiders and Assaults pretty well in small team games. In bigger higher density team games Knight is definitely C, as you will get killed by Artillery and as you said Kinight doesn't push well against stronger porc.

Reaver is (high) C ranked, as it has the same abysmal movement speed as Knight and does have low range, low aoe for an Riot and low hp. I often find myself in situations which are handled better by more Raiders or using Imp, before even thinking about using Reavers.

Kodachi is only B in my opinion, as it has a very small time-frame in the early game where it is brutally effective and then is somewhat useless. Kodachi suffers from extremely low range which makes it lose against most intercepting Raiders and even gives Recon Commanders a good chance to jump and kill them for losing one mex. At the same time Kodachi costs a high amount of metal in the early game, often resulting in being contained by a swarm of raiders and being late on raiding duty.
+4 / -0
5 years ago
Kodachi relies on quite a bit on luck too. It can't push past intercepting raiders, and intercepting raiders have literally no reason to chase a fleeing Kodachi. Kodachi can only kill Fleas in one hit and not much else (if anything), add that to a relatively long cooldown and you got plenty of time to down it before it does any serious damage.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Reef does have some use as temporary shield disabler, as its disarm missiles are able to get through Aspis and disarm it for 10 seconds, allowing artillery get through the shield and destroy the enemy position. It is 150 metal to disable and destroy enemy position which is cheaper than achieving same with shockley.

However, the Reef is far more expensive than Missile silo (3k versus 1.2K), so you would need to shoot 4 missiles to break even with missile silo as using reef disarm missile saves 450 metal compared to using shockley.

However, shockley has far stronger effect as it stuns rather than disarms (though disarm is identical to stun against static targets) and shockley has better effect duration for cost as well, so you really need to manage to utilise that 10 second disarm window against shields to achieve anything meaningful.

It should also be noted that while Reef is mobile, works as rearm pad for bombers (lol) and has drone escorts, the missie silo also has access to EoS, Inferno and Quake missiles.

Overall, I would like to see Reef at least get higher disarm duration if it was decided more towards disarm missile launcher as its main focus.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Should Likho really be S tier given that an Artemis costs only slightly more than it but completely shuts it down (along with the rest of airfac)?
+0 / -0

5 years ago
The thing with artemis (and other expensive static defences such as cerberus and lucifer) is that they are all countered by cheaper missile silo that outranges them and can even make cost by destroying them with the missile cost on top.
+0 / -0
Artemis usually dies vs: Missile silo (Eos), Ultimatum, Merlin, Scorpion or just gets drained by stuff like blastwings. Draining missiles with Blastwings actually makes cost as Blastwing cost 55m and Artemis missile 80m.

If you want to feel the horrifying pain of watching a 1h game where i tried to build 4+ Artemis over the entire game, against 3+ Likhos... here you are Multiplayer B768289 12 on Vein
(first Artemis at ~ 25min)
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Why is the Flail a higher tier than the Vandal? The Vandal is a lot tougher, not much slower, has better range, has almost double the DPS and has equivalent burst (given that it only takes 2 seconds to match the Flail's damage output).
+0 / -0
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