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Post Your Map Concepts Here

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Hey everyone. I was asked recently to start up a forum post where map concepts and ideas can be posted and referenced by map makers who decide to create a map off of these concepts.

I suppose I will start with one.

Map Name: 4 Leafed Clover

Map Type: 1v1/2v2/FFA

Terrain: Flat/Hilly


A map designed as a 4 leaf clover that would favor bots, spiders, and potentially light vehicle/hover gameplay. Hills would be bot pathable and the top of the hills would be smoother to allow bots to travel semi quickly once they reach the top

Red = Metal Extractor
Blue = Metal Rock Reclaim
Yellow = Geothermal Power Plant Location


+2 / -0
5 years ago
I like this map for ffa, since its angles are correctly balanced for the singe, there is energy expanci, it's nice
+0 / -0
Is this map img taken from anywhere or drawn by you? please use [img] to display it in forum.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
The original map image is from the 4 leaf clover map in the old supreme commander game. I thought making a similar styled map could be interesting with ZK.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
What sort of scale would you expect this map to have? Going by conversations I've read about this, and the usual convention for clustered mexes, I'd approximate this at around a 10x10 size map, or about the scale of Titan Duel, but it could be larger.
+0 / -0
After seeing your excellent prototype on discord a larger version would probably be required to make it not as insanely fast paced and claustrophobic. I'd say having it around 16x16 would probably prove favorable this way there should be enough flat land to have vehicles be viable. The size of the clover leaves should larger too
+1 / -0
5 years ago
long live ireland ;D
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Would me great to have the capability to create overpasses rather than flat maps with different heights so can have multiple level capability
+0 / -0
Would me great to have the capability to create overpasses rather than flat maps with different heights so can have multiple level capability

Unfortunately, the best you can hope for is railroads, and even that will demand impractical amounts of work to implement (since not only does it require models for the rails and the stations, it also requires models and unit designs for the train cars, and code for all of this).

Something like this, perhaps:
+0 / -0
5 years ago
dude if you are going to take anything take Regor VI Highlands
+0 / -0