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Game doesn't work over reverse tether

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5 years ago
Hi, my wifi card has been acting up recently and I have ordered a new one for my PC, but at the moment I am stuck with what I have. I have extremely bad ping in any application due to the wifi problem, but when I connect the phone to the PC(even on the same wifi) I get much better and stable ping.

Zero-k is the only application which has any problems, it works over the wifi card but I get bad desync problems every few seconds. However when I connect my phone I get no connection whatsoever on Zero-k, but I can browse youtube, listen to spotify, etc.

My PC stats are just in case zero-k doesn't like any of this:
RTX 2060
Ryzen 3700
32GB Ram
1TB 860 evo

Does anyone know why Zero-k doesn't work over my phone? It appears as a normal wired connection to the PC so I am quite confused.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
This sounds really weird because i've played quite a few games over wifi hotspot with no problems.

I would guess that there is something really weird with your setup. Have you tried diagnosing it for packet drop etc?
+0 / -0
5 years ago

I am not sure how to do that within Zero-k, but it would have to be nearly 100% because it just starts trying to catch up and never does until I switch back to my desktop wifi card. But, I just joined a different match and it works, I guess that means it is something to do with the hosting settings? When I switch back it breaks again.

If you want any logs or anything just tell me where I can get them and i'll post them
+0 / -0

5 years ago
When you using your phone as a hotspot, you most probably create so called "double NAT" situation.

This double NAT scenario won't cause problems for basic tasks like browsing the internet, but it can cause problems when you are <...> doing peer-to-peer online gaming (which often uses the UDP protocol and does some funny firewall stuff called “UDP hole-punching”).


This problem usually appears when one has a a router connected to ISP modem, when by default both will provide DHCP service and doing NAT. The solution will be to turn the ISP modem to bridge-only mode.

In your situation, since I'm not aware of a way to turn a smartphone into bridge mode, I think the easiest solution will be to buy simple WiFi dongle for your computer.
+0 / -0