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how fast is your computer?

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4 years ago

how fast is your computer?
what cpu?
what graphics card?

which screen resolution do you play with?
what graphics settings? compat, low, medium, high, ultra?

when playing how are your fps? (type /fps in chat and look at right for frames per second number)

do you think having a faster computer would help your elo rating?
+0 / -0
i used to play on a Pentium D back in 2008-13, i think that was when my ELO was the highest (ie top 3)
that machine was so bad that i was famous for playing with only icons and col-boxes at 5 fps in teams because cpu bottlneck

now i play on a r3700 with a 2060 gpu, my ELO is still not back up to its old level

:D so obviously from this anecdotal evidence we can conclude taht the shittier your computer the better you play!
+0 / -0
4 years ago
my PC is around average its not a gaming PC but its close to the specs of one
i dont think PC performance would effect elo a lot if the lower spec guys run low graphics settings
however there may be some with an OMEGA POTATO pc that might not even run this game on low graphics
+0 / -0
don't insult my mega potato! it was a glorious machine that ran windows XP, it could only run windows XP tbf, but it ran windows XP!
and ZK worked on it mostly fine...

but seriously, FPS and graphics has no impact on the ability to play the game. winning in ZK comes down to how well you can guess your enemy and how well you can play against them based on those guesses
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I started play with FX-6300 + HD7870 GPU. Games in team lagged hard. After few years my HD7870 burned and for short period played with GeForce GT 720 1 Gb version. Then i bought GTX 1050 TI and lags was less. I set low video settings and i'm almost fine until large maps especially where some players starts spam windgens and hundreds of d bags or fleas.
AMD GPU is horrible. Never will buy them more. AMD6300 + GTX 1050 i can easy run Doom Eternal on medium settings smoothly. And its power usage is only 75 w. I had sitations when with HD7870 who eat 175 w my PC just switched off because overheating. I bought Sunon DP200A most powerful cooler version and put it in box near my GPU because when in room was 26 C my PC overheated.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I play on an R3 2200G with integrated GPU, 900p display. Ultra low settings. Although entry-level rig, its sufficient for ZK... Wanted to take 1650S, but with current prices its too costly. FPS is good enough, never been concerned.

Considering I've been stuck with Core 2 Duo E4300 and Radeon HD 5400 for 10 years, my rig is AMAZING!
+0 / -1
4 years ago
I play on an R3 2200G with integrated GPU

I am still using an i5-4440S with integrated gpu because i am waiting for the new generation of APUs
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I have a i5-6600K intel CPU with an RX480 GPU. This was a great mid-grade gaming setup about 4(?) years ago, and it is still a great set up today. I pump about 90-100FPS/144 for my monitor on Doom Eternal, and zero-k sometimes chugs at 50FPS pre-game. One of the biggest bottlenecks running the new doom was actually having installed on an HDD, once I moved it to my ssd the frames flowed smoothly. I run into heating 'issues' when I play some games, where my computer acts as an ad-hock space heater, but afaik no preformance issues, I like my amd gpu right now.

Zero-k and AMD don't mix though, that's for sure. there's this Strange graphics bug that was introduced last year where I can't use heightmap view anymore, and I peg it solidly on something no working with AMD GPUs. Who knows how else my preformance is affected.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Wow. USrankAdminSteel_Blue and I seem to have pretty similar rigs of a similar vintage except I had to make do with an RX470 because the RX480 was out of stock and I didn't want to wait. Naturally OS and all games live on SSDs.

I've not particularly monitored my Zero-K performance numbers, but I'm satisfied with how it runs at more or less default settings at 1920x1080. At least, other people seem to start complaining about performance before I notice anything, unless it's ping related of course. It never stops purring no matter how hectic Zero-K gets. It has to work harder for games of more recent vintage of course.

I've thought about getting something completely new (I've upgraded some of the hardware), but there isn't much new AAA stuff that actually interests me so I'll likely continue to use it until I break it.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
i7-8700k - GTX 1660 TI 6 GB - 16 GB 2133 Mhz DDR4
I play at a screen resolution of 2140x1440 (1440p)
My graphics settings are always on Ultra.
The FPS I get when there are 32 players is around 25-40 once it reaches mid/end game.
Having higher FPS really does impact how you play imo. It's never fun in any game when you have low frames.
+2 / -0

4 years ago
not that fast these days
ryzen 1700 (8-core)
RX 570

I find myself not playing video games as much anymore. Perhaps I'll get the 5800 XT when it comes out if only for cyberpunk 2077
+0 / -0

4 years ago
My computer goes over 200 km/h when I'm playing ZK on the train!
+3 / -0

4 years ago
Having higher FPS really does impact how you play imo. It's never fun in any game when you have low frames.

Damn i have played hundreds of games with one FPS. That really isnt nice game cuz shitty AMD CPU. But i bought it before i started to play ZK. Otherwise i would buy Intel cpu.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
My computer is very fast. It moves around the Sun with the average speed of 30 km/s.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I7 8700k @ 5ghz, GTX1080ti, 16GB DDR4 2133MHz.
Play at 1440p.

Normally get about 50-130FPS depending on how much is going on.
Speed metal or huge teams games sometimes down to 20-30fps.
+0 / -0
I start playing this game with a Phenom x4 945 and Radeon 7850

This game is single thread intensive so phenom which isn't any good at single threading, you can image how low the fps is by mid and late game.

When playing with such low fps and staggering fps by mid and late game, you tend to focus your playstyle on rushes. Of course, you also end up being poorly knowledgeable of mid and late game units, the build orders and the timing but is just the matter of time you learn those.

I then changed to Ryzen 5 2600x. The FPS skyrocketed and my elo start climbing.
I then got a GTX 1070. Not significant difference, other than the fancy graphics more stable fps.
So a good single thread CPU make hell lot of difference in this game.

Does having better cpu improve elo?
That depends how bad your current cpu is. If you are lagging by mid game, yes, it definitely will improve your elo.
If you however only start to lag by late game, the amount of elo improve I would say is insignificant.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
i dont know my specs but i know in terraporc games against the AI if someone turns up the speed of the game i instantly lag behind. chicken is impossible and i run crap at the lowest setting (maybe even lower) and im getting 20fps on an empty map. i also have 1-2s of ping but that dosn't stop me from being good-ish.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
i9 9900k
32Gb of 3200mhz ram
1440p Ultra settings

I limit my framerate to 60FPS using MSI afterburner for Zero-K so that I have extra headroom for my CPU to boost when an intensive event occurs since frame consistency matters a lot more than high framerates in a game like this. This PC is a recent upgrade that made a huge difference in how enjoyable this game is to play, especially large games. I never fall below 20 FPS even at the most taxing moments. It feels great to just play the game and never worry about how late game will hurt the experience.

2 years ago, my old PC was having problems with Zero-K and it took a long time to realize I needed to clean the CPU cooler and replace the thermal paste. Thermal throttling was really holding me back. Something to consider if you think your performance isn't as good as it should be.
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